Epic Perfect World

(NW) Remove purify spell from Venos and Clerics

Offline Naosu

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As cleric with purify weap I can say... YOU'RE SO WRONG that we have advantage with it! Try play a cleric in just one single NW or TW and you will see how much you die. Even though purify procs, when you have 10+ people on you not even dear God can save you. Its all about teamwork and not about purify or IG or def lvl idk what else you mentioned there.


Plus Agatio has already asked about it and it's been declined.
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VOOKIE BABY, I DIED  :normal-2: :normal-13: :normal-2:
Do you even know how to play a werefox?? or how to use magic shield and spam phy defense buff on Elf Priest?? doesnt seem like

Because attempting to spam stream of rejuvenation on my cleric (she's demon, it gives the phys def boost) is such a huge help when I have 2 sins and 3 archers stun locking me. Purify doesn't even proc enough to help to begin with.

Here's my question. HAVE ANY OF YOU actually PLAYED a veno or a cleric in nw who are asking for it to be removed? Try it. Tell me how purify and the pdef works out for you. Especially on a cleric when you're playing support.
What am I even doing?

Offline Darunia ஜ

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Seeing as purify is purely luck based, no need to remove it.  My best friend has puri on his mystic's weapon, and he says it rarely procs.  After fighting him (and ultimately killing him), I can safely say that I believe that.

And there are some who are just that lucky.  It is what it is.  Stop trying to get shit nerfed and play the damn game.

Stay Classy.
Mikau - 150 Sage Archer (unofficially retired)
Darunia - 150 Demon Cleric (unoffical new main)
Catfish - 150 Sage Psy (main PK gal)
Phalanx - 150 Demon BM (because impulsive)

Offline VookieCookie

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Purify should have been deleted already to begin with since that shet ain't balanced.  :normal-1:

And ya'll sayin that GoF is also unfair but guess what ? I hit 6k gof crits on fully buffed EPs, and around 10k, also zerk crit, on purged venos in fox form.

Purify = broken.
GoF = not broken.


Thats actually the truth, I got myself r8 + GoF daggers and from what ppl were saying I rly expected higher damage, yet I got disappointed, Mittens is right there. (tho dph is still fun ;s)

Offline Agatio

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I could lower the antistun and speed boost time by half, this is what I proposed some time ago, but most people who took part in the discussion were strongly against it...
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 01:27 pm by Agatio

Offline Resolve

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When It comes to nerfing Venos or any other classes, It's always :
When It comes to nerfing Sins :
"Yes. Remove sins from game plz."

Agree with this Purify spell is really broken but it is what it is.

We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.

Offline 🌸

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I don't believe there's enough good evidence to nerf purify wep. I don't even use it and i'm against it being nerfed.
I'm going to try out my purify wep today and see how many times it procs a minute.

Offline Darunia ஜ

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Some clerics are just that tanky.  I ran into a few while doing nw, and my freaking god I have an easier time eating bm's with normal attacks than those clerics.

Stay Classy.
Mikau - 150 Sage Archer (unofficially retired)
Darunia - 150 Demon Cleric (unoffical new main)
Catfish - 150 Sage Psy (main PK gal)
Phalanx - 150 Demon BM (because impulsive)

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After 1v1ing psychics with it, I can say, it's really broken. And really annoying when psychic uses genie expel, then I attack him 1 second later or use bow to try and purge his expel, and that damn purify procs with bow. :<

My purify in particular (when i have used it but tbh defence levels > purify) never procs or at least not at useful times.
I wouldn't mind if it gets nerfed or removed but it's kind of unfair since it's the only good addon magic classes have. :c
Before you say i'm being biased: i don't agree with sins being nerfed either. (check sin nerf topics if you must)

Offline Naosu

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I could lower the antistun and speed boost by half, this is what I proposed some time ago, but most people who took part in the discussion were strongly against it...

Do this and I quit this sever.

Already strongly opposed to it. It already goes off rare enough for me as it is. Mess with the toon I've spent ALL my time perfecting and you're not better than pwi and I'll go my ass handed to me on there.

The speedboost is not the problem, nor the antistun. The problem is purify itself. APS classes struggle to kill clerics, venos, mystics, wizards and psychics, not because of the anti-stun but because when you finally lock the opponent, change to claws / daggs and start to aps, purify will proc in a few secs.

GOOD. We SHOULD be able to keep ourselves alive. Sins all have their buffs. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RAGE ABOUT US WINNING?

I have plenty of sins who are smart enough to stun lock me and purify won't proc, and gee. I'M DEAD.
What am I even doing?

Offline Feone

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Do this and I quit this sever.

Already strongly opposed to it. It already goes off rare enough for me as it is. Mess with the toon I've spent ALL my time perfecting and you're not better than pwi and I'll go my ass handed to me on there.

GOOD. We SHOULD be able to keep ourselves alive. Sins all have their buffs. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RAGE ABOUT US WINNING?

I have plenty of sins who are smart enough to stun lock me and purify won't proc, and gee. I'M DEAD.

Because sins get pissed when they cant instakill everything.

It's always the aps players whining about purifyspell, them being able to kill an arcane in 4 seconds of mindless APS is perfectly fine, but having a small chance of the arcane breaking out -> omg nerf OP gn halp plis!

Offline Naosu

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Because sins get pissed when they cant instakill everything.

It's always the aps players whining about purifyspell, them being able to kill an arcane in 4 seconds of mindless APS is perfectly fine, but having a small chance of the arcane breaking out -> omg nerf OP gn halp plis!

OMG Sins not full OP. World's gonna end. =D
What am I even doing?

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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W3W...yet another nerf thread  :tiger-41:
What I think amuses me most about this is, we all, or most of us at least ,played or are still playing PWI Official. We had no  say on virtually any aspect of this gameplay. We simply chose a class, learned its strengths and weaknesses, enjoyed pve and pvp together in squads with our friends and faction mates, developing the ability to figure out and adapt, to  make up for the strengths and weakness in our squads, and on our class.

It appears this  was simply a smart crew who know these strengths and weakness, how to squad up for maximum impact and take it to NW. They got lucky rolls on Gear, which has I'm sure cost a fortune in EC or Cubi .
so as they say AW....
PLAY THE GAME, make the most of it and HAVE FUN that is what its all about. :pig-23:
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Offline Pain

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Because sins get pissed when they cant instakill everything.

It's always the aps players whining about purifyspell, them being able to kill an arcane in 4 seconds of mindless APS is perfectly fine, but having a small chance of the arcane breaking out -> omg nerf OP gn halp plis!

It's not just the aps players who suffer against people wielding purify spell weapons, I swear to god 1/2 the times I use any movement impairing effect (pitfall, hailstorm, mountain seize, glacial snare, blinding blaze which also removes the effect completely) on someone purify instantly procs, and as Mittens said the speed and anti stun isn't the worst part - It's the purify itself, you don't stand a chance to stunlock someone who's using it, which may not necessarily sound like a bad thing but when someone completly negates your stuns/paralyzes/you name it without having to do anything, just standing still and letting your weapon proc do all the work for you.. It's just not how the game is meant to be played, it was a horrible addition by PW and on most other private servers the effect is removed for good reason.

It works the same way for me, if I equip my purify spell weapon I'm unable to die to anything solo short of a 3 sparked ea or something of the kind.
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 01:24 pm by Halfwit

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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Offline Hye_Su

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Cleric isn't a class that has many advantages (Especially not in NW). You are getting ganked and many eps are just there to keep everyone buffed, healed. The purify weapon gives a chance to survive -which isn't big- when being ganked. And only to remove it because it gives the flagholder in NW an advantage when having ep support is exaggerated.

Venos are op because they can hit hard and survive too easy but taking away the purify weapon from wf wouldn't be fair either.

Since we are at the topic about classes: Psychics are too weak and need some boost (I am not playing one).  :smiley: