Epic Perfect World

(NW) Remove purify spell from Venos and Clerics

Offline Mx11y

  • Old Player
Agreed here. PK is already pretty fast paced. It's hard enough when you get fully rebuffed and an archer shoots one arrow into you and debuffs straight away.

Replace Purify with Infinite (or nothing, I dont care either way) - Stop relying on purify and actually put your skills to some use. Equip a decent def level weapon if you want some survivability.

Replace Spirit Blackhole with Soul Shatter, even with the aps that demon archers have SS would be fine. (They take half your life in 2-4 shots anyway)

As for GoF, DPH sins should have something for not being a mindless APS sin. Sins trying to APS with GoF daggers hit reasonably slow anyway, unless they demon spark/windshield or whatever and have 2-3x interval stat on their GoF daggers.

Also replace Square Formation with Darken.

Back to basics   :smiley:

Offline Resolve

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If you remove purify and let aps sins remain, there's no chance for Arcanes to survive, even with a good def lvl weapon.

Using purify weapon apparently makes the player unskilled (in some cases, probably), excuse me, aps sins are so skilled. Spark+occult and boom. Or not even spark needed.

Offtopic 'bout occult ice: in PWI, genies didn't get as high level as here, which means occult could have ever had as much advantage as it does have here. If people in PWI really wanted it to work, they would make a full str genie with crappy recovery and energy. But here, you can easily use it 3 times in a row with good % to succeed and still have a decent hp/recovery rate, and you know, you can't use belief or expel that many times due to more energy needed.
Sure, one could do the same and get a dex genie, but not many do. Since it'd be better vs few classes only. Occult is the nr. one skill highly being abused by unskilled aps sins. Imo.

Server is already full of sins and archers. After this it would only have sins left.

*Moderated:Image Removed.*

We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.


Seems fair. Let dem sins 2spark from stealth and instakill the AA's/LA's.

That's how the sins on this server seem to think, instakill or nothing, QQing about the only thing that may save an Arcane's life from time to time.

And, weapon with purify spell is mainly for surviving only. That's its purpose, and you cry 'cause sometimes, it actually works.

However, the complaints about Purify spell started coming right after NW. No one complains that it bothers in normal pvp, it's all about NW. Venos do have a lot of speed and antistun/immunity buffs, so Purify as an add-on might be a bit OP when veno's carrying the flag. Not the carrier's fault though if people aps on him/her. Nor is s/he to be blamed if s/he's simply lucky.

Offline Nicolle

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Offline Pain

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Seems fair. Let dem sins 2spark from stealth and instakill the AA's/LA's.

That's how the sins on this server seem to think, instakill or nothing, QQing about the only thing that may save an Arcane's life from time to time.

And, weapon with purify spell is mainly for surviving only. That's its purpose, and you cry 'cause sometimes, it actually works.

However, the complaints about Purify spell started coming right after NW. No one complains that it bothers in normal pvp, it's all about NW. Venos do have a lot of speed and antistun/immunity buffs, so Purify as an add-on might be a bit OP when veno's carrying the flag. Not the carrier's fault though if people aps on him/her. Nor is s/he to be blamed if s/he's simply lucky.

Majority of the people in here agreeing to nerf it are not sins, purify spell doesn't help you one bit against getting "instakilled" (you have to be bad or undergeared for them to even be able to do that) by sins unless you're constantly holding in W, also please try to come up with more valid rebuttals than "qq", it makes you look even dumber than you actually are when you spout the same thing over and over thinking it'll help your cause.

Also, if you think wearing a purify spell weapon is the only way for an arcane class to survive I'm really curious as to how you managed before it got implemented (r9r3 on pwi, which is .. less than a year ago?) Please get better at the game before trying to shove your false opinion onto other people.
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 05:00 pm by Halfwit

Offline Escorian

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Majority of the people in here agreeing to nerf it are not sins, purify spell doesn't help you one bit against getting "instakilled" (you have to be bad or undergeared for them to even be able to do that) by sins unless you're constantly holding in W, also please try to come up with more valid rebuttals than "qqers", it makes you look even dumber than you actually are when you spout the same thing over and over thinking it'll help your cause.

Also, if you think wearing a purify spell weapon is the only way for an arcane class to survive I'm really curious as to how you managed before it got implemented (r9r3 on pwi, which is .. less than a year ago?) Please get better at the game before  trying to shove your false opinion onto other people.

sorry dumber isn't a word more dumb would be the correct phrasing.

Also I do not see the complaints against Purify I do not have a Purify weapon and I think it should be kept as is.

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Offline Pain

  • Forum Veteran
sorry dumber isn't a word more dumb would be the correct phrasing.

Also I do not see the complaints against Purify I do not have a Purify weapon and I think it should be kept as is.

What does me mistyping a word have to do with the topic? Piss off bluename

Edit: It actually is a word, gj looking like a tool http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dumber
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 05:15 pm by Halfwit

Offline Gamlen

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Halfwit, your avatar is looking right through my soul, please change it, I'm scared.

Purify is annoying, wtf remove it. (Yes I'm that simple, no need for a smart explanation)
Gamlen 150 Sage Sin
Cudi   150 Sage EA

Offline ChicaBomb

  • fuck france
  • breadstick
Replace Purify with Infinite (or nothing, I dont care either way) - Stop relying on purify and actually put your skills to some use. Equip a decent def level weapon if you want some survivability.

Replace Spirit Blackhole with Soul Shatter, even with the aps that demon archers have SS would be fine. (They take half your life in 2-4 shots anyway)

As for GoF, DPH sins should have something for not being a mindless APS sin. Sins trying to APS with GoF daggers hit reasonably slow anyway, unless they demon spark/windshield or whatever and have 2-3x interval stat on their GoF daggers.

Also replace Square Formation with Darken.

Where Agatio at.
when InTake gets ct buff

Offline Nana 2.0

  • Member
sorry dumber isn't a word more dumb would be the correct phrasing.

Also I do not see the complaints against Purify I do not have a Purify weapon and I think it should be kept as is.

Dumber is a word. Even if it wasn't, replying with such weak rebuttal only means you're out of good arguments. Sorry, you're admitting that you lost.

Offline Lolly

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Majority of the people in here agreeing to nerf it are not sins, purify spell doesn't help you one bit against getting "instakilled" (you have to be bad or undergeared for them to even be able to do that by sins unless you're constantly holding in W, also please try to come up with more valid rebuttals than "qq", it makes you look even dumber than you actually are when you spout the same thing over and over thinking it'll help your cause.

Also, if you think wearing a purify spell weapon is the only way for an arcane class to survive I'm really curious as to how you managed before it got implemented (r9r3 on pwi, which is .. less than a year ago?) Please get better at the game before trying to shove your false opinion onto other people.
Wtf.. I get one hit by sins from stealth all the time. And I'm a full r8 cleric, gg.
I don't think purify is going to be tooken out though, even with this thread. Everyone would stress Aga because of their money they spent, etcetc. It helps any mage classes a big deal of amount though. qq
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 05:45 pm by Lolly

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.

Offline ChicaBomb

  • fuck france
  • breadstick
Wtf.. I get one hit by sins from stealth all the time. And I'm a full r8 cleric, gg.
I don't think purify is going to be tooken out though, even with this thread. Everyone would be stress Aga because of their money they spent, etcetc. It helps any mage classes a big deal of amount though. qq

How do you manage to get one hit all the time?
Purify weapons make no skill players alot harder to kill. If they have no survivability and rely on their weapon to save them then they deserve to die.
when InTake gets ct buff

Offline Nana 2.0

  • Member
How do you manage to get one hit all the time?
Purify weapons make no skill players alot harder to kill. If they have no survivability and rely on their weapon to save them then they deserve to die.


Wtf.. I get one hit by sins from stealth all the time. And I'm a full r8 cleric, gg.
I don't think purify is going to be tooken out though, even with this thread. Everyone would be stress Aga because of their money they spent, etcetc. It helps any mage classes a big deal of amount though. qq

Offline Lolly

  • Forum Veteran
How do you manage to get one hit all the time?
Purify weapons make no skill players alot harder to kill. If they have no survivability and rely on their weapon to save them then they deserve to die.
Um, by full r8 sins stealth sparking with gof on the persons daggers? lol?
But if you say so, kay. I'm not gonna waste my time here then. xD

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.


Majority of the people in here agreeing to nerf it are not sins, purify spell doesn't help you one bit against getting "instakilled" (you have to be bad or undergeared for them to even be able to do that) by sins unless you're constantly holding in W, also please try to come up with more valid rebuttals than "qq", it makes you look even dumber than you actually are when you spout the same thing over and over thinking it'll help your cause.

Also, if you think wearing a purify spell weapon is the only way for an arcane class to survive I'm really curious as to how you managed before it got implemented (r9r3 on pwi, which is .. less than a year ago?) Please get better at the game before trying to shove your false opinion onto other people.

Tell me how does it not help? Most of the time when Im about to get instakilled Im stunned right from the start, possibly debuffed and maybe even amped. I think purify and running away from melees help a great deal. Although obviously it doesn't save me if it's 10v1 or if the attackers are all ranged.

How can you compare PWI to private servers in that case? Private servers are much more balanced (even though no one's ever happy) and even non CS'ers can do well. And due to the fact that everyone's got the same type of gear, damage and defense it makes purify way more essential than in PWI where a wiz is tankier than a bm.

I just burned my food thanks to this topic.