Epic Perfect World

(NW) Remove purify spell from Venos and Clerics


From centre maybe, side lanes are further. Also I don't think it's fair to add an apo effect and then claim it's OP. 

Sin full OP too, 3spark + ironguard is too much dmg with immune, sin 3spark every 10 seconds, remove 3spark.

Same type of statement, purify & apo effects dont stack for one, nor will apo always be ready, nor will everyone use speed apo every time.

All this whining as if purifyspell is nonstop immunity & nonstop purify.. it's proc chance is low as fk and many times even aps doesn't proc it in time to save me when im in foxform. In human form it's even less chance to proc before I die anyway.

So many ego aps players whining because theres a few people they cant 123drop. GN halp please I dont instawin everything, please nerf.
Who're that people who don't drop 321, I was talking about the issues it causes during mass PK and NW. 1v1 any1 dies regardless of how lucky they are with the proc rate. See mystics Purifying 3 times a second in mass, then heal spam , you'd expect a squad AAĆ­ng them to die in during an EA stun, but no Puri procs 50 times in a row, spam heal till you get sick and change target, same goes with the WF's or any other mag class that's slave healed by a mystic/EP, Puri screws the whole mass PK up, also NW.

Offline Pain

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Cleric isn't a class that has many advantages (Especially not in NW). You are getting ganked and many eps are just there to keep everyone buffed, healed. The purify weapon gives a chance to survive -which isn't big- when being ganked. And only to remove it because it gives the flagholder in NW an advantage when having ep support is exaggerated.

Venos are op because they can hit hard and survive too easy but taking away the purify weapon from wf wouldn't be fair either.

Since we are at the topic about classes: Psychics are too weak and need some boost (I am not playing one).  :smiley:

Lilt only uses def lvl wep and he is harder to kill than any other ep I've met, he does not rely on lucky purify spell procs and instead plays skillfully - While still being able to get stunlocked and killed if the opponent plays skillfully as well. Purify spell benefits a mindless playstyle and also makes certain classes nigh useless (wr, wb, any other class that relies on cc to drop their target). I don't even have to lift my finger if a wr/wb/sin/seeker gets up close to me, I just equip my purify spell weapon and laugh as the pathetic damage and rapid purify spell procs lets me turn around and drop him or reposition myself up to 75 meters away.


Lilt only uses def lvl wep and he is harder to kill than any other ep I've met, he does not rely on lucky purify spell procs and instead plays skillfully - While still being able to get stunlocked and killed if the opponent plays skillfully as well. Purify spell benefits a mindless playstyle and also makes certain classes nigh useless (wr, wb, any other class that relies on cc to drop their target). I don't even have to lift my finger if a wr/wb/sin/seeker gets up close to me, I just equip my purify spell weapon and laugh as the pathetic damage and rapid purify spell procs lets me turn around and drop him or reposition myself up to 75 meters away.
You must see the Purify weap reliants that walk around the server calling themselves skilled, when they get rolled 7-0 they say Puri didn't proc often enough LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. They'll stick to the Puri camp tactic even though it won't work, because it's the only possible way for them to live, given that they have no clue how to play. That's why I can understand why they're so eager defending the only broken thing that gives them a chance to survive and kill.

Offline Meese

  • Mighty Moose Lord
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You must see the Purify weap reliants that walk around the server calling themselves skilled, when they get rolled 7-0 they say Puri didn't proc often enough LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. They'll stick to the Puri camp tactic even though it won't work, because it's the only possible way for them to live, given that they have no clue how to play. That's why I can understand why they're so eager defending the only broken thing that gives them a chance to survive and kill.
I have yet to get myself a purify weapon and I'm defending it. You're right in saying most of those people have absolutely no idea how to play their classes (the veno in question in this thread is one of them). I get out of stunlocks with my genie and if thats on CD and pills are on CD then I die because I have no purify weapon to possibly save me. This conversation already was had a month ago when almost every person on these threads gave the same exact opinion and nothing was done. If magic classes should lose an effect, then they should get a proper effect in it's place to replace it (Seeing as though the rest of the available effects are LAME, boost main atk and defense level) or physical classes should lose their GoF and Spirit Blackhole (same logic applies, I dont like zerk crits from sins and purges from ea when they already do stupid damage). Purify did harm PK when it was released, but there are a lot of other things that did the same if not worse. If people want PK to be fixed, I think the majority of us know what needs fixing (revert to 1.36).

Offline HellishKitty

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I have yet to get myself a purify weapon and I'm defending it. You're right in saying most of those people have absolutely no idea how to play their classes (the veno in question in this thread is one of them). I get out of stunlocks with my genie and if thats on CD and pills are on CD then I die because I have no purify weapon to possibly save me. This conversation already was had a month ago when almost every person on these threads gave the same exact opinion and nothing was done. If magic classes should lose an effect, then they should get a proper effect in it's place to replace it (Seeing as though the rest of the available effects are LAME, boost main atk and defense level) or physical classes should lose their GoF and Spirit Blackhole (same logic applies, I dont like zerk crits from sins and purges from ea when they already do stupid damage). Purify did harm PK when it was released, but there are a lot of other things that did the same if not worse. If people want PK to be fixed, I think the majority of us know what needs fixing (revert to 1.36).

i agree

Offline Meese

  • Mighty Moose Lord
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There are 3 things on this server that are ruinning PK: Purify is the most important, then Spirit Blackhole, then GoF.

Purify needs to be fixed / removed asap cuz it's causing problems to the game.

Spirit blackhole is making PK boring hence why it has to be fixed. Quickshot - autoattack - purged - mission es g0.

God of Frenzy ... meh ... in order for a sin to zerk crit a lot with GoF he needs to have some kind of good gears.  But it really hits archers and other light armour classes hard.

In order to balance server, these 3 things either have to disappear or nerf a bit. inb4haters  :sad:
So remove all three and no one is the wiser :) If those effects were removed from certain (not all) classes then it would be fair to remove purify as well. But I doubt many people would be up for that because then their own classes that they have advantages with would take a hit and they would QQ about that.

Offline Meese

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Not everyone can be happy.
Thats the problem. The few of us on the forums is nothing compared to how many are ingame. If this were to be done (which if all were removed, would be fair) then people would cause mass hysteria about why they're losing their addons. The only other way would be to nerf all three addons to hell. In either case there is no way to get around the mass of people who would rage and some quit (cause you know, you need an addon to play the game).

Offline Pain

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Thats the problem. The few of us on the forums is nothing compared to how many are ingame. If this were to be done (which if all were removed, would be fair) then people would cause mass hysteria about why they're losing their addons. The only other way would be to nerf all three addons to hell. In either case there is no way to get around the mass of people who would rage and some quit (cause you know, you need an addon to play the game).

Stop replying to every post please, your opinion isn't worth anything as you don't know crap about this game, if you insist on doing it then reply to my latest two posts which are the only one's who speak the truth.

Offline Meese

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Stop replying to every post please, your opinion isn't worth anything as you don't know crap about this game, if you insist on doing it then reply to my latest two posts which are the only one's who speak the truth.
You're right and I know nothing. Sorry for being so stupid as to even state my opinion when someone clearly as smart and godly as you speaks.

Offline ChicaBomb

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There are 3 things on this server that are ruinning PK: Purify is the most important, then Spirit Blackhole, then GoF.

Purify needs to be fixed / removed asap cuz it's causing problems to the game.

Spirit blackhole is making PK boring hence why it has to be fixed. Quickshot - autoattack - purged - mission es g0.

God of Frenzy ... meh ... in order for a sin to zerk crit a lot with GoF he needs to have some kind of good gears.  But it really hits archers and other light armour classes hard.

In order to balance server, these 3 things either have to disappear or nerf a bit. inb4haters  :sad:

Agreed here. PK is already pretty fast paced. It's hard enough when you get fully rebuffed and an archer shoots one arrow into you and debuffs straight away.

Replace Purify with Infinite (or nothing, I dont care either way) - Stop relying on purify and actually put your skills to some use. Equip a decent def level weapon if you want some survivability.

Replace Spirit Blackhole with Soul Shatter, even with the aps that demon archers have SS would be fine. (They take half your life in 2-4 shots anyway)

As for GoF, DPH sins should have something for not being a mindless APS sin. Sins trying to APS with GoF daggers hit reasonably slow anyway, unless they demon spark/windshield or whatever and have 2-3x interval stat on their GoF daggers.

Also replace Square Formation with Darken.

Back to basics   :smiley:
when InTake gets ct buff

Offline Pain

  • Forum Veteran
Agreed here. PK is already pretty fast paced. It's hard enough when you get fully rebuffed and an archer shoots one arrow into you and debuffs straight away.

Replace Purify with Infinite (or nothing, I dont care either way) - Stop relying on purify and actually put your skills to some use. Equip a decent def level weapon if you want some survivability.

Replace Spirit Blackhole with Soul Shatter, even with the aps that demon archers have SS would be fine. (They take half your life in 2-4 shots anyway)

As for GoF, DPH sins should have something for not being a mindless APS sin. Sins trying to APS with GoF daggers hit reasonably slow anyway, unless they demon spark/windshield or whatever and have 2-3x interval stat on their GoF daggers.

Also replace Square Formation with Darken.

Back to basics   :smiley:

+1  :normal-1:


Agreed here. PK is already pretty fast paced. It's hard enough when you get fully rebuffed and an archer shoots one arrow into you and debuffs straight away.

Replace Purify with Infinite (or nothing, I dont care either way) - Stop relying on purify and actually put your skills to some use. Equip a decent def level weapon if you want some survivability.

Replace Spirit Blackhole with Soul Shatter, even with the aps that demon archers have SS would be fine. (They take half your life in 2-4 shots anyway)

As for GoF, DPH sins should have something for not being a mindless APS sin. Sins trying to APS with GoF daggers hit reasonably slow anyway, unless they demon spark/windshield or whatever and have 2-3x interval stat on their GoF daggers.

Also replace Square Formation with Darken.

Back to basics   :smiley:
Plus uno for your beard sir good point there.

Offline nuggerkj

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Cleric,veno,mystic i agree it should be remove >.<


If you remove purify and let aps sins remain, there's no chance for Arcanes to survive, even with a good def lvl weapon.

Using purify weapon apparently makes the player unskilled (in some cases, probably), excuse me, aps sins are so skilled. Spark+occult and boom. Or not even spark needed.

Offtopic 'bout occult ice: in PWI, genies didn't get as high level as here, which means occult could have ever had as much advantage as it does have here. If people in PWI really wanted it to work, they would make a full str genie with crappy recovery and energy. But here, you can easily use it 3 times in a row with good % to succeed and still have a decent hp/recovery rate, and you know, you can't use belief or expel that many times due to more energy needed.
Sure, one could do the same and get a dex genie, but not many do. Since it'd be better vs few classes only. Occult is the nr. one skill highly being abused by unskilled aps sins. Imo.

Back to basics   :smiley:

Server is already full of sins and archers. After this it would only have sins left.


If you remove purify and let aps sins remain, there's no chance for Arcanes to survive, even with a good def lvl weapon.

Using purify weapon apparently makes the player unskilled (in some cases, probably), excuse me, aps sins are so skilled. Spark+occult and boom. Or not even spark needed.

Offtopic 'bout occult ice: in PWI, genies didn't get as high level as here, which means occult could have ever had as much advantage as it does have here. If people in PWI really wanted it to work, they would make a full str genie with crappy recovery and energy. But here, you can easily use it 3 times in a row with good % to succeed and still have a decent hp/recovery rate, and you know, you can't use belief or expel that many times due to more energy needed.
Sure, one could do the same and get a dex genie, but not many do. Since it'd be better vs few classes only. Occult is the nr. one skill highly being abused by unskilled aps sins. Imo.

Server is already full of sins and archers. After this it would only have sins left.
? I beat any sin on the server without Purify weap on any of my arcanes, what on earth are you saying.