Epic Perfect World

(NW) Remove purify spell from Venos and Clerics

Offline Jolhans

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Well purify spell stat will not be taken out for obvious reasons as Lolly said. If I was an Arcane class that spent a lot of ec on it I'd rage at aga for taking it out.

I understand this, but I do agree that it should be removed entirely. However I know this wont happen so Aga offered to reduce the anti stun and movement speed to half NOT THE PROCESS RATE SO DONT QQ. So, I vote to implemen this.

I also stated in my first post that purify wep was not the only issue in NW, another issue is the IRONGUARD. So you see the flag, theres a struggle for it. But then some ppl appears and use ironguard to pick up the flag, ALL YOU CAN DO IS SIT THERE AND WATCH THIS FCKER PICK UP THE FLAG, the purpose of the flag is to make ppl fight for it. And it should be like this, strugle till you are able to pick up the flag.

I dont even know why Aga removed and put back ironguard. Ironguard should be removed permanently. Theres already enough immune time with pan gu essence from base, sutra, and absolute domain.

Offline Xcution

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OK Seriously im tired of this, we were fighitng for a Territory on NW 20 (mi nation) vs 4 ***ing asians

You cant call this lack of skill, IT WAS 20 PPL, WHO NEEDS SKILL??

The veno was constantly getting purged and speeded up from the purify status, a cleric purifying as well and the veno spamming anti stun stills and shit, HOW CAN YOU CALL THIS BALANCE?

Long time ago I suggested to remove purify status from Arcanes, thats why DEF wep is for. Seriously, I never though asians could do this...

I want to suggest EITHER To remove purify status, (yeah i know Aga will say nonononoo cause qq/ rage quit = no donations) or remove IRONGUARDS  (CAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE JUST SPAM IRONGUARD AND PICK UP THE DAMN FLAG) OR remove the instant rebuffs you get after you die.

Please share your opinions. Flame, hate, pinoys, EVERYTHiNG is accepted.

What a brilliant idea, really. Lets nerf clerics so they cant purify us in TM's, against World Bosses and shit. And lets nerf venos so they cant debuff world bosses and things like leaf rain dryad and lord of captivation. Because we absolutely LOVE when bosses regen health faster than 6 man squad is able to deal damage.

Offline Jolhans

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What a brilliant idea, really. Lets nerf clerics so they cant purify us in TM's, against World Bosses and shit. And lets nerf venos so they cant debuff world bosses and things like leaf rain dryad and lord of captivation. Because we absolutely LOVE when bosses regen health faster than 6 man squad is able to deal damage.
what the hell are you talking about?? Im just looking to either nerf purify spell or remove it, how is this going to affect venos and clerics pve gameplay?? ..... Im strongly trying to not be rude.

Edit: this thread is not about nerfing any specific class skill. Read carefully next time.

Offline Tannis

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I could lower the antistun and speed boost time by half, this is what I proposed some time ago, but most people who took part in the discussion were strongly against it...
Just thought you could all use a reminder.

Offline SaltySupreme

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what the hell are you talking about?? Im just looking to either nerf purify spell or remove it, how is this going to affect venos and clerics pve gameplay?? ..... Im strongly trying to not be rude.

Edit: this thread is not about nerfing any specific class skill. Read carefully next time.

Purify is part of the game, removing it completely is going to bring a lot of QQ and possible imbalance in PvP.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline Jolhans

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Purify is part of the game, removing it completely is going to bring a lot of QQ and possible imbalance in PvP.
OMG LOL, how comes removing a broken thing is gonna cause imbalance? Its exactly the oppositive.

Even Aga himself said it was broken and offered a nerf for it, NOT REMOVING IT, JUST DECREASING ITS EFFECT. Read the post above yours lol.

Offline Escorian

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OMG LOL, how comes removing a broken thing is gonna cause imbalance? Its exactly the oppositive.

Even Aga himself said it was broken and offered a nerf for it, NOT REMOVING IT, JUST DECREASING ITS EFFECT. Read the post above yours lol.

A lot of people agree that aps is broken so let's remove it.

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Offline Pain

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Purify is part of the game, removing it completely is going to bring a lot of QQ and possible imbalance in PvP.

Don't post in this topic, you're too stupid..

Tell me how does it not help? Most of the time when Im about to get instakilled Im stunned right from the start, possibly debuffed and maybe even amped. I think purify and running away from melees help a great deal. Although obviously it doesn't save me if it's 10v1 or if the attackers are all ranged.

How can you compare PWI to private servers in that case? Private servers are much more balanced (even though no one's ever happy) and even non CS'ers can do well. And due to the fact that everyone's got the same type of gear, damage and defense it makes purify way more essential than in PWI where a wiz is tankier than a bm.

I just burned my food thanks to this topic.

How is it an instakill if they stun, debuff and amp you? Jesus Christ ... No I wasn't comparing pwi to epw you imbecile, I was wondering about how you managed to pvp before purify spell was introduced if it's your only way to stay alive versus a sin, get some reading comprehension, learn the game and then come back and try to have a discussion with me, until then shut your uninformed mouth.
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 06:25 pm by Halfwit

Offline Komi

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Remove DD from sin r8 dag. If you want to remove purify. Fair enough
1/5 of Alamat core.

Offline Feone

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Every single nerf topic about purifyspell acts as if it's some guaranteed proc-every-hit stat that never lets antistun go away.

It's proc chance is LOW.  If it procs at the last moment you die anyway because it doesnt heal or add defense.
Your channeling is slow as fk with a purify wep.

It's a trade off.

Just because some aps class is too dumb to stop proccing it doesnt make it OP.

Melees get a whole array of powerfull stun, debuff, damage & purging adds, all arcanes get is a low chance proc on TAKING damage that is completely ineffective against high damage attacks.

Sins should stop whining and use their head instead of mindless aps. Even though mindless APS will kill the purify character plenty anyway, takes a lot of luck to get purify in time.

Offline Escorian

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Every single nerf topic about purifyspell acts as if it's some guaranteed proc-every-hit stat that never lets antistun go away.

It's proc chance is LOW.  If it procs at the last moment you die anyway because it doesnt heal or add defense.
Your channeling is slow as fk with a purify wep.

It's a trade off.

Just because some aps class is too dumb to stop proccing it doesnt make it OP.

Melees get a whole array of powerfull stun, debuff, damage & purging adds, all arcanes get is a low chance proc on TAKING damage that is completely ineffective against high damage attacks.

Sins should stop whining and use their head instead of mindless aps. Even though mindless APS will kill the purify character plenty anyway, takes a lot of luck to get purify in time.

People QQ because they cant kill them in seconds they think pk means to kill someone right away without trying.

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Offline Nea

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People making qq/nerf threads for everything,wanna win nw,go kill the supports,while flag is not atacked coz of purify wep,take out the cleric(10 people on a cleric takes...15 seconds?) then u can do w.e u want with the  flag . Just don't waste time making qq /nerf threads. Go think before you do something and u'll be ok.
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game


/rage /insult /ego player

Watch your tongue. Occult does the work of a stun, so does extreme poison the work of an amp.
And generally, in NW, clerics (mainly) get ganked, therefore all debuffs, amps, stuns, purge may happen at once. And after that it's kind of an instakill.

I don't know if purify's always been in EPW, as I haven't been here for a lifetime. Explain yourself better instead of raging like a mad cow. I know the game well enough, thank you. Get some manners.

It's proc chance is LOW.  If it procs at the last moment you die anyway because it doesnt heal or add defense.
Your channeling is slow as fk with a purify wep.


Offline Pain

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Watch your tongue. Occult does the work of a stun, so does extreme poison the work of an amp.
And generally, in NW, clerics (mainly) get ganked, therefore all debuffs, amps, stuns, purge may happen at once. And after that it's kind of an instakill.

I don't know if purify's always been in EPW, as I haven't been here for a lifetime. Explain yourself better instead of raging like a mad cow. I know the game well enough, thank you. Get some manners.


You shouldn't be allowed to post on this forum, claiming I'm raging and got a huge ego for disagreeing with your (wrong) statements, watch my tongue, How? Pop my eyeballs out and turn them around? Your original post implied that you get instakilled by a lone sin, now you're bringing up a scenario where you're getting debuffed, ganked and anything else imaginable - You feel like you should live through something like that? No, purify has not always been in epw, only since r8r was implemented. This will be the last reply you see from me as you're clearly too dense to be talked sense into.


I solo'd Emokillua and Becketo 3 times in a row while they were entirely fully buffed, sitting in Sirry, waiting for them to rebuff, while having none but my own, just by camping Puri weap and lock-killing the one that spams Occult (that would be Emokillua). I also carried the flag 1 against 15 in NW while being spam purged and massively DD'd, thanks to Puri and spam heal (small steps but certain win). Mass PK mystic, pain, simply because of the Puri, if it wouldn't be there, they'd get insta rolled. Now explain me, how can a MG kill 2 fairly well geared sins while being fully buffed (trust me, without the Puri spell l wouldn't do shit to them, I'd be perma locked and dead when second Expel is gone). I not gonna talk about mystic taking winning a land alone against 15. WF sitting there all cool in fox form waiting for the Puri to proc so they can hiero sins right after Tidal. There you have the classes which require no skill or focus in 1v1 or small scale PK. Let's just faceroll on the keyboard press random buttons because you know what, Puri spell will save us anyway EJJAEJJAEJEAJEJEJAEJAJEAJEA.
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 07:27 pm by Robbert