Epic Perfect World

(NW) Remove purify spell from Venos and Clerics


claiming I'm raging and got a huge ego
get some reading comprehension, learn the game and then come back and try to have a discussion with me, until then shut your uninformed mouth.

for disagreeing with your (wrong) statements
Occult does the work of a stun, so does extreme poison the work of an amp.

Very wrong indeed.
Im saying this: thread is about purify spell in NW mainly, which is why I mentioned ganking and being ganked.

Don't post in this topic, you're too stupid..

you imbecile

Where are the GMs.

This will be the last reply you see from me as you're clearly too dense to be talked sense into.



who the fck is halffis

Offline ChicaBomb

  • fuck france
  • breadstick
who the fck is halffis

when InTake gets ct buff



Revealed. Back on topic.


Revealed. Back on topic.
Who you to debate any PK related subjects blue name sit down learn your place. Unless you have something of worth to say, keep quiet learn some stuff.


Who you to debate any PK related subjects blue name sit down learn your place. Unless you have something of worth to say, keep quiet learn some stuff.

Same goes for you.


Same goes for you.
Minion quotes me you are cute you want throat digged with spoon.

Offline SoKa

  • Top-class smartass
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  • Characters: SoKa
  • Faction: ThaClicK
I guess the only reason most of you wanting to remove the purify skill is that you cant aps a running target.

Removing purify from caster is like taking zerk from melee classes.

Saying you want purify to be removed is like saying you want stealth to be removed or 5.0.

Caster run from you when you trigger their purify skill?  Sins hide in stealth when 3sparked auto attacked killed the caster.

Where is the difference?

Every class got a anti stun skill but caster so stop qqing.

Nation war is about team work anyways. So when you team up you can easily kill a running target unless you are a sin cough cough "HAI I CANT KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES CAUSE I CANT AUTO ATTACK WHEN THEY MOVE Q_Q"

My 2 cents.

Offline ChicaBomb

  • fuck france
  • breadstick
I guess the only reason most of you wanting to remove the purify skill is that you cant aps a running target.

Removing purify from caster is like taking zerk from melee classes.

Saying you want purify to be removed is like saying you want stealth to be removed or 5.0.

Caster run from you when you trigger their purify skill?  Sins hide in stealth when 3sparked auto attacked killed the caster.

Where is the difference?

Every class got a anti stun skill but caster so stop qqing.

Nation war is about team work anyways. So when you team up you can easily kill a running target unless you are a sin cough cough "HAI I CANT KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES CAUSE I CANT AUTO ATTACK WHEN THEY MOVE Q_Q"

My 2 cents.

You had one chance to say something smart, congratulations.
when InTake gets ct buff

Insanity 3.0

I guess the only reason most of you wanting to remove the purify skill is that you cant aps a running target.

Removing purify from caster is like taking zerk from melee classes.

Saying you want purify to be removed is like saying you want stealth to be removed or 5.0.

Caster run from you when you trigger their purify skill?  Sins hide in stealth when 3sparked auto attacked killed the caster.

Where is the difference?

Every class got a anti stun skill but caster so stop qqing.

Nation war is about team work anyways. So when you team up you can easily kill a running target unless you are a sin cough cough "HAI I CANT KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES CAUSE I CANT AUTO ATTACK WHEN THEY MOVE Q_Q"

My 2 cents.
You are moronic, get some braincells then come discuss PvP,I bet you've never done it before though, gg bluename


I guess the only reason most of you wanting to remove the purify skill is that you cant aps a running target.

Removing purify from caster is like taking zerk from melee classes.

Saying you want purify to be removed is like saying you want stealth to be removed or 5.0.

Caster run from you when you trigger their purify skill?  Sins hide in stealth when 3sparked auto attacked killed the caster.

Where is the difference?

Every class got a anti stun skill but caster so stop qqing.

Nation war is about team work anyways. So when you team up you can easily kill a running target unless you are a sin cough cough "HAI I CANT KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES CAUSE I CANT AUTO ATTACK WHEN THEY MOVE Q_Q"

My 2 cents.
Stay blue name for your own sake.

Offline Pain

  • Forum Veteran
I guess the only reason most of you wanting to remove the purify skill is that you cant aps a running target. Except most of the people who are for NERFING (NOT REMOVING) purify spell are not sins/wrs/whatever

Removing purify from caster is like taking zerk from melee classes.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, no.

Saying you want purify to be removed is like saying you want stealth to be removed or 5.0.
Do you have mental issues?

Caster run from you when you trigger their purify skill?  Sins hide in stealth when 3sparked auto attacked killed the caster.

Every class got a anti stun skill but caster so stop qqing.
Wrong, shut up clueless person

Nation war is about team work anyways. So when you team up you can easily kill a running target unless you are a sin cough cough "HAI I CANT KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES CAUSE I CANT AUTO ATTACK WHEN THEY MOVE Q_Q"
Again, majority of the people who are for nerfing purify spell are not sins

Offline SoKa

  • Top-class smartass
  • Was geht ab? :D
  • Characters: SoKa
  • Faction: ThaClicK
I´ve played this game where sins using no aps and are still able to kill. Infact they are one of the most op classes in pvp.

Being 5.0 takes as much skills to kill someone like auto aiming in a shooter game.

You are just mad that I am right.

Offline Mx11y

  • Old Player
I guess the only reason most of you wanting to remove the purify skill is that you cant aps a running target.

Removing purify from caster is like taking zerk from melee classes.

Saying you want purify to be removed is like saying you want stealth to be removed or 5.0.

Caster run from you when you trigger their purify skill?  Sins hide in stealth when 3sparked auto attacked killed the caster.

Where is the difference?

Every class got a anti stun skill but caster so stop qqing.

Nation war is about team work anyways. So when you team up you can easily kill a running target unless you are a sin cough cough "HAI I CANT KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES CAUSE I CANT AUTO ATTACK WHEN THEY MOVE Q_Q"

My 2 cents.

My keyboard smash makes more sense than your post.


qkg99kg349h4k9h4h4hl9qslf we0lgwe9gerlreh9rhrohr9kwe9kwei 34 4g


Offline Mx11y

  • Old Player
I´ve played this game where sins using no aps and are still able to kill. Infact they are one of the most op classes in pvp.

Being 5.0 takes as much skills to kill someone like auto aiming in a shooter game.

You are just mad that I am right.

You are still playing that same game. I'm a DPH sin and I don't mind going DPH on a HA cleric with purify weap. (In fact I rather see that cleric use purify instead DEF ...)
This thread makes no difference to me, but gotta say, you are somewhat stupid.