Epic Perfect World

(NW) Remove purify spell from Venos and Clerics

Offline Mx11y

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Go look up that skill and see how it works in pvp and then come back again.
I play sin on this server as a main class since I started, I played sin since that class came out on PWI.
You think I don't know what that skill does, you blue named down syndrome.
Don't get lost in thought; you'll be a total stranger there. I can't even imagine Purify having same effects as Tidal..


Go and try to stun a sin with 66% chance to evade all negative effects lol...
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 09:20 pm by Night♀

Offline SoKa

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I play sin on this server as a main class since it started, I played sin since that class came out on PWI.
You think I don't know what that skill does, you blue named down syndrome.
Don't get lost in thought; you'll be a total stranger there. I can't even imagine Purify having same effects as Tidal..

If you played on PWI then you know what rinc bait SuAnn and those are able to do as sins...without using aps.
If you know that why would you post this.

Offline SoKa

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Last Edit: Aug 26, 2013, 09:20 pm by Night♀


If you played on PWI then you know what rinc bait SuAnn and those are able to do as sins...without using aps.
If you know that why would you post this.
Naming PWI players like they were factors, you're unworthy of replies now.

Offline Fortify

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You sound mad

Original comeback
10/10 would read again.

Offline Mx11y

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If you played on PWI then you know what rinc bait SuAnn and those are able to do as sins...without using aps.
If you know that why would you post this.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Offline SaltySupreme

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So much drama is going on.

In all seriousness I think it is time for this thread to be locked.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline SoKa

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Naming PWI players like they were factors, you're unworthy of replies now.

And you are a factor right?  :shocked:

Offline Fab

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If you played on PWI then you know what rinc bait SuAnn and those are able to do as sins...without using aps.
If you know that why would you post this.

All no name new sins, you're talking to people who have been playing private servers since years, why would we know or care about random pwi wallet sins, lowborn that just came out of pwi and thinks he knows everything when you cant even differenciate something as basic as tidal and purify spell, stop showing off how illiterate you are.

Offline Pain

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So much drama is going on.

In all seriousness I think it is time for this thread to be locked.

No, that's what Yeshi wants.

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    Today at 08:55:48 pm

Obviously made that forum account just to stir up drama so this thread would close, so that he would get to keep his precious downer spell weapon.

Offline SoKa

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Purify spell balances Caster vs Aps.

Offline Jolhans

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The first poster complained they cant stop a caster with flag in nw.

Where is that off topic
what is this?.

First of all a caster is not supposed to take the flag, thats what the HA classes are for.

Second, yes you are going of topic. Like I already said. Casters are not meant to tank. You are just randomly trowing out arguments just to save your precious purify. Please stop.

The main issue of this is purify and the speed bonus + anti stun it gives after it procs.

Offline SoKa

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No, that's what Yeshi wants.

Date Registered:
    Today at 08:55:48 pm

Obviously made that forum account just to stir up drama so this thread would close, so that he would get to keep his precious downer spell weapon.

Never played a caster  :-*

Offline Mx11y

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Never played a caster  :-*
You obviously haven't played a DPH sin either.

Also to one of your previous posts.

Rinc is all wallet/gear relied person, Bait is poop and who the hell is SuAnn..