Epic Perfect World

So you think you're better.

Offline Vionn

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This is what I have seen on all servers..If and when you get killed by someone, go and get others to "gank" the person who killed you so you can all talk shit like you've accomplished something. While there are a few who do play fair and actually fight with skills, it's a rarity.  So like Pythe said..blacklist works well.
?? He's the one who ganked us, rofl. Trash level players.

Offline Ace

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You're talking about me and kelp right? We killed you 2v3. You asked for a dragon 1v1, but neither of us had dragon. I asked you for an r8 1v1 (you outgear me by a decent margin) and you pretended you were afk. GG
actually I'm talking in general. And I was afk Im tabbing out constantly today. You're encounter is but one of many. Refusal to do skill based dragon v dragon fights are quite common and the excuse are just as lame. "Demon archer better then sage you have the advantage" was just like, "LOL REALLY?" since I was sage pre-R8 and even for a time after.

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?? He's the one who ganked us, rofl. Trash level players.
If I was so "trash" why was kelp so afraid to 1v1 me full dragon? I had a spare set all I needed from him was a guarantee he'd return it, which he refused to give me.

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actually I'm talking in general. And I was afk Im tabbing out constantly today. You're encounter is but one of many. Refusal to do skill based dragon v dragon fights are quite common and the excuse are just as lame. "Demon archer better then sage you have the advantage" was just like, "LOL REALLY?" since I was sage pre-R8 and even for a time after.
Doesn't easily beating you 2v3 make us better players though? We didn't outgear you, so that's not why. We weren't even squaded or really working together. I think the only time I died was when it was 3v1.
Last Edit: Sept 23, 2013, 04:31 am by Vionn

Offline Ace

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Doesn't easily beating you 2v3 make us better players though? We didn't outgear you, so that's not why. We weren't even squaded or really working together.
I've seen Kelps R8 so really what you're saving makes no valid point. And all u had to do was camp white and wait for kelp to unstealth and kill me with his near, if not, insta-cast R8. After that 2 sins v u 2. Now if you please, keep on topic or just abandon the thread ^^

Offline Vionn

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I've seen Kelps R8 so really what you're saving makes no valid point. And all u had to do was camp white and wait for kelp to unstealth and kill me with his near, if not, insta-cast R8. After that 2 sins v u 2. Now if you please, keep on topic or just abandon the thread ^^
Those sins were total shit, lost to me2v1. Oh and I think I went white once that entire 30 minute fight.


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Offline Ace

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Those sins were total shit, lost to me2v1. Oh and I think I went white once that entire 30 minute fight.
I've seen Kelps R8 so really what you're saving makes no valid point. And all u had to do was camp white and wait for kelp to unstealth and kill me with his near, if not, insta-cast R8. After that 2 sins v u 2. Now if you please, keep on topic or just abandon the thread ^^

Offline Night⋆

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I guess everyone was on my profile :$