Epic Perfect World

New Weapon Reskins Suggestions

Offline Rasu

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Some all White weapon fashion would be lovely. :(
+1 this.


Some all White weapon fashion would be lovely. :(
Yes! Love white weapon fash! :)

Offline lokuralol

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I'd love to see this weapon skin for Magic Sword.
Its Madara's Sword . He's a character of Naruto's anime.
This would be nice to me <3

Offline IndianaJones

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I'd love to see:
Windpour - Nirvana or Ghost Vanquisher - Soulblast (Nirvana 1st/2nd Cast Claws) for BMs as Claws/Fists
Sober Sovereign - Nirvana or Peak of Clouds (Nirvana 1st/2nd Cast Claws) for BMs as Claws/Fists


Offline Kazureblue

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i know this might not be the place for this, but it has to do with the weapon skins anyways. Maybe lower their gold price in the boutique to 15 gold so it's the same ec price as the reskin tokens are in the game.... 10 event gold=250 ec but weapon reskins, which are 30 gold in the shop currently, are only 300-500 ec? so 15-20 gold in the shop would be better than 30..... Also, all of the reskin ideas posted here are wonderful and I love them. Keep up the good work guys.

Offline ᴘʜᴏɴᴋ

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Offline Praelium

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That is so stupidly retarded...

Offline Jaye

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Some all White weapon fashion would be lovely. :(
^+ sparkles would be nice

Life is too short to be anything but Happy

Offline Hagal

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idk if anny1 remembers the g25 skins from vendetta 1.3.6 but those where cool skins 


Er ... not sure if this has been suggested or if its even possible 
Can you make some of the patakas into wands/glaives by cropping them etc .. ?

Offline Drive

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Er ... not sure if this has been suggested or if its even possible
Can you make some of the patakas into wands/glaives by cropping them etc .. ?

Would love to see this.
Interesting idea. O:-)

Offline Moogle

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Er ... not sure if this has been suggested or if its even possible
Can you make some of the patakas into wands/glaives by cropping them etc .. ?

I would like to see this, its a neat idea.

Offline xGreenDay

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In another topic i created "skins differents class", as I said, you may have skins that already exist on Epic.

yes, my English is bad  :(


Last Edit: Oct 23, 2015, 01:31 am by luizpsouza

Offline Ħǎᵯɨɖ ᴙ€ᵶⱥ

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ayy dude post some for sins too : l