Epic Perfect World

Short Hiatus

Offline Beloved ♥

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  • Fab ♥
  • 08.03.13 ♥
  • Characters: Beloved, Euphoric
  • Faction: Fab's bed
Hopefully this thread doesn't get deleted.. But anyway, for those that care, I will be taking a break and be absent for a little while. Don't know how long exactly I'll be gone seeing as I'm moving out of state and taking care of personal things. Cause you know real life comes first and all. Anywho, I just wanted to say good luck to all of you and I wish you the best. Hopefully, this server won't be completely down the shitter when I return. But hey, if it is, it was nice knowing all of you lovely people.

I'll keep this short and sweet since there's always Skype. But, I'm going to miss you. It's going to be weird not talking to you everyday and being complete retards to each other. You've really given me a better outlook on things and it's going to suck being away for awhile. Made me happier than I've been in awhile and I couldn't be anymore appreciative than I am for you to have given me a second chance and to have you in my life. <3

Tori; Baby, I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss the wild, chaotic  nights of smearing Nutella all over our hot bodies and playing Zelda till dawn. Also gonna miss serenading you.

Addy; You're like another mom to me. It's gonna suck not being able to go to you and talk to you about things when I need someone there.

Chrissy; Man, I'm going to miss you so much. You've definitely been there for me when I didn't have anyone. Even if you are older than me, I see myself in you when it comes to all of the bs we've dealt with and our personalities. Also I'm going to miss making fun of people with you. Oh, and you still owe me that Olive Garden date. ;)

Mittens; My son <3 Yes, you have disappointed me... But as your mother I will always be there by your side every step of the way to support you. I don't know if you'll see this post, but I just wanted to let you know that you're one of the funnest and funniest people I've been around. I'll always remember that one time where we did that one thing. Hehehehe... #TeamKareem I'm gonna miss you :(

Marko; Even if we haven't known each other that long, thank you for being there to keep me entertained. Pking with you is quite amusing and exciting. We need to do it more often though and destroy people. #TeamBeCashed

Swane; You're an EC-stealing Indian and you still owe me those EC you jacked from me at that event the other day.

The Rest of my mates in Xpendable; You guys are insanely retarded. I don't think I've laughed as much as I had at anything before when it comes to the things that come out of everyone's mouths. Definitely the funnest guild I've been in too on this server. Even though I haven't been in Xpend that long it feels like another family to me. I just wanna thank you guys for looking passed the negative things and giving me a second chance. I hope I haven't disappointed anyone because I've made some pretty bad-ass friends and talked to some pretty cool people. I'm gonna miss you guys. But I'll be back soon. Hopefully the drama going on now ends soon and Xpend is still here when I return. Keep it classy and

Last Edit: Aug 06, 2013, 03:19 am by Beloved ♥
Read this and grow up
 Don't play anymore. Won't play anymore. Bye.

Offline Pain

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Stay strong, come back soon

Offline Cigarette

  • You're so full of crap
  • you could pass for a toilet.

Offline Beloved ♥

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  • Fab ♥
  • 08.03.13 ♥
  • Characters: Beloved, Euphoric
  • Faction: Fab's bed
Read this and grow up
 Don't play anymore. Won't play anymore. Bye.

Offline Night⋆

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  • Retired Staff Member
  • Agatio was too ♥ +Cedes
  • Characters: *Retired*
  • Faction: N/A
 :tiger-29: tc see you soon my dear
I guess everyone was on my profile :$ 

Offline Sleep

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  • Retired Staff Member
  • A really saucy
  • Empathy is a dying art.
  • Characters: Sleep|Snooze|Opiate|Snore
  • Faction: EPW_Team
Tori; Baby, I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss the wild, chaotic nights of smearing Nutella all over our hot bodies and playing Zelda till dawn. Also gonna miss serenading you.

This is so sad how do I even deal. Come back to me soon. :'(  :tiger-48: :tiger-48: :tiger-48:

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline zFlashx

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  • Characters: zFlashx, Immortalize, Imperious
  • Faction: Xpendable
 :normal-2: lol @ swane, take care was fun RPK'ing with you don't be gone too long  :normal-36:

Offline HellishKitty

  • GodMother Of Venomancers
  • I'm a kitty. A digi-kitty.
  • Characters: HellKitty/HellishKitty
  • Faction: Faction
Hopefully this thread doesn't get deleted.. But anyway, for those that care, I will be taking a break and be absent for a little while. Don't know how long exactly I'll be gone seeing as I'm moving out of state and taking care of personal things. Cause you know real life comes first and all. Anywho, I just wanted to say good luck to all of you and I wish you the best. Hopefully, this server won't be completely down the shitter when I return. But hey, if it is, it was nice knowing all of you lovely people.


bye beloved..take care ;3 be back soon

i hate seeing my family(veno's) leave..we veno's need to stick together and rule pw


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  • rip insanity
Swane; You're an EC-stealing Indian and you still owe me those EC you jacked from me at that event the other day.

 :normal-2: Good bye, take care.

Allahu Akbar.


QQ  i'll miss you <3