Epic Perfect World

Making HiMa remember

Offline Hi Ma

  • Poor EA
  • Characters: HiMa
  • Faction: CripTik
I dont win ?? One round ??? Never??😂😂😂😂😂
What Flex said:
Ask google about us niga,  :D :D

Offline Hi Ma

  • Poor EA
  • Characters: HiMa
  • Faction: CripTik
U just got some ss diff time and i beat u but u all make get ss from diff times and post it and u think i gonna believe it ?? I beat u its over 🤣🤣🤣
What Flex said:
Ask google about us niga,  :D :D

Offline Sadderdaze

  • Siege
  • Faction: Siege
Gg Luis ya made the man respond twice in 1 minute lmao

Offline Luis

  • CR7#1
  • Characters: amaretto
Gg Luis ya made the man respond twice in 1 minute lmao
He is really dumb, you can see clearly that every screenshot is different by the chat and damage bar LMAO

Offline Sadderdaze

  • Siege
  • Faction: Siege
He is really dumb, you can see clearly that every screenshot is different by the chat and damage bar LMAO
It happens bro. Some people can’t focus on all the details. They just hold macro and hit themselves on their foreheads. It’s okay

Offline JokerzWild

  • Joker
  • HaHa Wai so Serious?
Where are the times on your chat? These are SS of you killing him. But where are the ones of him killing you? If you gonna put up so SS at least have to balls to put up ones of you losing as well. 
These are so old and spaced apart that your char even changed ini during it. 
HiMa learn to take SS buddy so these ballzy bastages stop whine like dogs.

Offline Sadderdaze

  • Siege
  • Faction: Siege
Where are the times on your chat? These are SS of you killing him. But where are the ones of him killing you? If you gonna put up so SS at least have to balls to put up ones of you losing as well.
These are so old and spaced apart that your char even changed ini during it.
HiMa learn to take SS buddy so these ballzy bastages stop whine like dogs.
They are all separated in time due to him posting multiple sessions. Learn before you speak reject.
In two of the screenshots you can see you died to HiMA, but in those same screenshots you killed him 2-3x in a row l0l 
Can't really complain about not posting deaths when for every death you get 4-5 kills

Offline JokerzWild

  • Joker
  • HaHa Wai so Serious?
They are all separated in time due to him posting multiple sessions. Learn before you speak reject.
Ahh Sadderdaze that explains it. Its you pathetic lot behind that BS. Keep your mouth shut and your mind open. You speak for your friends when in fact it is YOU who do not know all the facts princess. Stay stupid. I like you like that.

Offline Sadderdaze

  • Siege
  • Faction: Siege
Ahh Sadderdaze that explains it. Its you pathetic lot behind that BS. Keep your mouth shut and your mind open. You speak for your friends when in fact it is YOU who do not know all the facts princess. Stay stupid. I like you like that.
It’s funny that you called me a princess, a place of royalty. Wrong gender but that’s ok it just shows a dog like you knows your place. Go back to the fields and come back when you can learn the game and proper language in order to speak to people. 

Offline Hi Ma

  • Poor EA
  • Characters: HiMa
  • Faction: CripTik
Where are the times on your chat? These are SS of you killing him. But where are the ones of him killing you? If you gonna put up so SS at least have to balls to put up ones of you losing as well.
These are so old and spaced apart that your char even changed ini during it.
HiMa learn to take SS buddy so these ballzy bastages stop whine like dogs.
:normal-42:  dont waste ur time with nooobs
What Flex said:
Ask google about us niga,  :D :D

Offline Luis

  • CR7#1
  • Characters: amaretto
Where are the times on your chat? These are SS of you killing him. But where are the ones of him killing you? If you gonna put up so SS at least have to balls to put up ones of you losing as well.
These are so old and spaced apart that your char even changed ini during it.
HiMa learn to take SS buddy so these ballzy bastages stop whine like dogs.
HiMa can kill me sometimes, like our last 1v1 I win for 3-1 and he wanted to stop, he will never beat me in score. Keep dreaming about it, butt hurts a lot, if HiMa was an humble player I would never post this, but this since he is a retarded muslim I post it and you can eat it

Offline Luis

  • CR7#1
  • Characters: amaretto