Epic Perfect World

Custom Name Colors

Offline Nea

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Name Color Feature upgrade guide

The Name Color feature has been upgraded, improved and new features have been added!
You will now be able to Add, Change and more without having to relog while not losing your current name color when changing.
There's also a new feature that will allow multiple colors to be used at the same time in a loop.

(Upgraded!) Add/Create   |   (New) Dynamic Color Function
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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Adding a new color (old feature)

  • The "New Name Color" button will open the Name Color window where you can add a new hex color as usual. This feature no longer requires reconnecting and you will receive a prompt to confirm your color choice as seen below
  • This will NO LONGER REMOVE the previous color. It adds a new profile color to your character that you can apply at any time.
  • Each new color costs 1 Spectrum Stone.
  • You will be able to see your color added at the bottom of the drop-down list of Owned colors.

Changing name colors/presets (updated)

  • The colors stored in the Owned Colors list can be changed at any point now, by selecting and Applying it. Changing between the Owned Colors comes at no cost whatsoever and it's live (does not need reconnecting)

Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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Dynamic Color Preset (new)

  • This feature will allow you to store up to 20 colors within a queue that will play looped when you apply it.

<>Creating a preset

  • To create a new preset, press the "New Dynamic Preset" button.
  • A new window will show up where you'll see a list with some of the other UI elements.
  • Each dynamic color preset consists of a list of colors that change dynamically by fading from one to another.
  • You can add colors that you own to this list and choose the transition speed between each color in the list.
  • For every 2 colors that you add, the cost of the preset will increase by 1 Spectrum Stone. Pricing below: 

<>Setting up a preset

  • You can change the color at each position with the drop down list from the right side of the window
  • You can set the speed of the transition between adjacent colors in the list with 3 given options: 
    • Slow (5 seconds)
    • Regular (3 seconds) 
    • Fast (1 second)
<>Applying a preset

  • Once the preset has been created you can simply apply the preset that has now been added to your Owned Colors list, as seen above.

<>Modifying a preset

  • You can modify an already created preset at the cost of 1 Spectrum Stone. You can change the colors in the preset & the transition speed between them.
  • Adding more colors to the same preset will apply same pricing as when creating a new Dynamic Color Preset (1 Stone per 2 colors added)
  • Note: Keep in mind that If you add only 1 more color to the preset and Save, adding 1 more later will cost an additional Spectrum Stone so it's best to add 2 at a time.
  • Note: If you reduce the amount of colors in your preset while modifying it, increasing the number of colors during later modifications will not be "free". Example: If you have a preset with 4 colors and you delete 2 colors from it, but then want to have 4 colors in the preset again, the total cost will not be 1 Spectrum stone. It will be 2 Spectrum Stone, as if the preset originally had 2 colors.

Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game