Epic Perfect World

Daily Epic 26 May 2013.

Offline Tjeumans

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After several days of real life, we're back at our editorial desks. And back in EPW to keep an eye on all of your actions, rantings, antics etc.

How rude!
Yesterday evening saw something like the French revolution in EPW. The rather unkindly named faction NoHomo found it necessary to spam WC after a TW with 'well done OC' (= OutCast) or 'GF OC'. People started asking them to stop it, but they continued and a GM stepped in. Asking them to stop or they would have to deal with the consequences. But as true rulers on the map, NH kept going until in the end, they were told they would not have a dragon child event when it was their turn.
After that, all hell broke loose because as usual, the GM was to blame now. Not being able to take a joke, being rude, all kinds of things were poured out over the GM on duty. GM kept their head cool and said that the people themselves were rude. From our observations, we can only say that that is a fair statement.
We at Daily would suggest every player complaining about GMs should take a hard look in the mirror first. Every person is responsible for their own actions so take the consequences.

Yes, your Dailies speak their languages. It means: again and we are referring to yet another French faction. After our feature in the first Daily ever, we never heard from Augure anymore but now there is Apocalips to fill the gap. We wish them bonne chance to serve the huge French community on the server!

In our usual topic 'Epic language mistakes' we have 2 today.
In WC, someone cried out: stupit ducks'. We will simply label this one as the pot calling the kettle black.
Also yesterday, a player said in WC to 'chalalme u'. We have no idea if this was an indecent proposal of a kind even we are not familiar with or a very big misspelling of 'challenge u', we leave it up to our readers to decide on that one.

Don't get mad, get even.
The former Mrs. Ibi, Ibiscus, started her own faction: HateSquad. It gave us an idea of how the divorce proceedings went, they must have been of Trump-like proportions. We tried to contact both mr. Ibi and his former wife, but could not reach them for any comments. Ibi himself did not seem to suffer long, he was already looking for a new wifey in WC. Ladies/gents, IF you are tempted to get hitched to ibi, make sure you have a water tight prenup agreement. And of course we wish ibi every bit of luck in finding a new mate for a few hours, eh, life. You know, the happily ever after thing.

Epic duelling.
Your editors just watched some movies about knights duelling for the right to marry a princess and these images pushed themselves to our minds when we saw the WC about GM Khaleesi.
TheZeus and EpicFail both claimed the right to marry her and were willing to fight till death to get her. We cannot wait to see the two suitors get in the ring to find the epic fight for her hand.
One thing though guys: in this day and age, women no longer obediently marry the winner. They actually get to say no (or yes, hope springs eternal after all) to whomever proposes to them.

Epic absence.
It is, because his ego apparently needs it, our habit to mention sirMittens in our rag. We do this again today but with the remark that unless we actually see him in game, this is the last time we help our emotionally insecure fellow-player.

Epic quote of the day.
'Watching people rage is the only fun thing in this game' – Ubiquitous.
We beg to differ, btw, even though the rage and antics of the players is what makes the Daily to what it is.


YAYYYYY  ... Welcome back EPW Daily

hehehehe, love the HateSquad bit

Offline Xcution

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Another awesome news report!!!!
Your editors just watched some movies about knights duelling for the right to marry a princess and these images pushed themselves to our minds when we saw the WC about GM Khaleesi.
TheZeus and EpicFail both claimed the right to marry her and were willing to fight till death to get her. We cannot wait to see the two suitors get in the ring to find the epic fight for her hand.
One thing though guys: in this day and age, women no longer obediently marry the winner. They actually get to say no (or yes, hope springs eternal after all) to whomever proposes to them.

Who knows, maybe Khaleesi is guy?Just saying.

Offline Tjeumans

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Who knows, maybe Khaleesi is guy?Just saying.

Our policy is to stick with the toon's gender. sirMittens could be a girl, for all we know, but will always be referred to as 'he' as his toon is male.

Our policy is to stick with the toon's gender. sirMittens could be a girl, for all we know, but will always be referred to as 'he' as his toon is male.

 He can be Shemale  :normal-1:

Offline Feone

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Always fun to read, nice job.

Offline Chire

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I had to go MIA this week because of school exams and shit. xD Had to study that's why I only logged like 30 mins each day. ;o

But finally exams are done.  :normal-15: :normal-33: :normal-35:

When you come back, you gon' pk with me bitch!
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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ROFLZ can't wait to see this "battle" hue hue hue :))
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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Oh, and lets see pics of the "knights" bah ha ha ha ha ;)
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~


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