Epic Perfect World

Hang☆Over Pk video

Offline Outclown

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Lssj best barb on server.This is me when im at pk, when im high best barb 2k13  :smiley:
Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 03:50 pm by Agatio, Reason: inappropriate post
Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 03:49 pm by Agatio, Reason: inappropriate post

Offline Therras

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HO > All gf
Man I was 6v1ing, 5 EAs 1 MAGE all from HA, still owned 4 of them like shit. Me = full phy ornys. Bitch please.
Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 03:50 pm by Agatio

Offline Therras

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HO = Hang Over, HA = no idea

Offline Consist

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Do you spam chat every time you kill someone? LOL

Offline Sleep

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At least pretend to be nice and watch the video. .___.

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline Therras

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Do you spam chat every time you kill someone? LOL

Offline Don Jon

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So you killed the low members from HO? very nice.

Stay low now

WasteDump / MajorLeague(Greatest) / Frozenterror / UrbanLegend / USSMissiouri / USSArizona / Maravich / WorldPeace / Caesar / WaltDisney / BigPunisher / Gatekeeper / Doom

Offline AgiTo

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HO downer guild w3w

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

  • Hang☆Over
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Umg i cant wait till my army ends and start real pks and TWs :)
pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul


Offline Elly

  • Agony awaits
low guild spamming forums with pk videos aw

Elly - 150 Sage venomancer
Decipher - 150 Demon mystic

[22:32:11] Chad: the name rev
[22:32:13] Chad: is foul language

Offline Therras

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So you killed the low members from HO? very nice.

Stay low now
Yeah, your members are low. And if you're refering to low lvls, well either that or the fact that they suck ass plus I'm the crit god with 83% base crit + my gof wep blessed me.

Yet your guildies still dare to say this when I died... "This sin takes 26k damage, LOL he fcking noob" . After I dropped 4 of them in a row.

Is having an infinite supply of IronGuards and a low IQ level a requirement to join HangOver?? No wonder why you guys got so many members :normal-2:

Offline Don Jon

  • Xpendable's Spokesman
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HO doesn't spam IG, we poor. You confused with OC.

Anyways, see ya in mass.  :smiley:

WasteDump / MajorLeague(Greatest) / Frozenterror / UrbanLegend / USSMissiouri / USSArizona / Maravich / WorldPeace / Caesar / WaltDisney / BigPunisher / Gatekeeper / Doom

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

  • Hang☆Over
  • Characters: Butthead
Yeah, your members are low. And if you're refering to low lvls, well either that or the fact that they suck ass plus I'm the crit god with 83% base crit + my gof wep blessed me.

Yet your guildies still dare to say this when I died... "This sin takes 26k damage, LOL he fcking noob" . After I dropped 4 of them in a row.

Is having an infinite supply of IronGuards and a low IQ level a requirement to join HangOver?? No wonder why you guys got so many members :normal-2:

To let you know that Ho is old guild,  that's why we have members.  And we haven't pick any random ppl from this server ok?

Cya in 7 days :)
pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul