Epic Perfect World

Sirens of war?

Offline Barbie

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Such a lot of discussions and commentary before the SoW patch is actually released! I wonder what will happen after it is released! A hell lot of drama, QQing, and partying!
No wonder I love EPW and you people! xD

~ Imagine the Seekers Full metal nuke combo wich is capable of single shoting a barb. Now imagine it x4 the power  :D that is what will happen after the update lol.

A lot of people I know from PWI said that SoW has brough imbalance to PWI. The older classes have been given upgrades where the newer classes have not. Sins don't have a single upgrade apparently. This is only what I have heard although from the patch notes I can see that sins have 0 changes to skills. It will be intersting indeed, I foresee a lot of QQ and partying, perhaps people will join me in popping some pringles and sparkling fanta :o

Offline Benji

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If i was starting here and SoW is out. I would for sure roll a seeker or bm. Maybe a sage EA.
But wait..i already have all those,well,time to gear up while there is still time.

Offline ThaPinky

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Have to say (even if I dont play EA) that Sage Quickshot looks pretty damn strong, 15-20 Chi per Cast and perma 20% Crit Chance.

PS: I know as a Seeker I really shouldn't complain about chances SoW has to other classes  :P

Offline Pain

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although from the patch notes I can see that sins have 0 changes to skills.

Incorrect  :normal-37: Altough they're minor changes, which is a good thing.. Sins are more than fine as they are.

Toxic Torrent:
Total durational damage increased to 300% weapon damage.

●Puncture Wound:
Total bleed damage increased to 200% weapon damage. Additional sage effect bleed damage increased to 35% from 20%.

○Puncture Wound:
Total bleed damage increased to 200% weapon damage.

●Raving Slash:
No longer reduces defense levels, but attack level increase remains the same.

Offline ThaPinky

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Well yeah nearly all DoT's get a boost (which they honestly needed) so we can count that in "General" boost  ;)

Offline Nea

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Tiger Leap:
Has 65% chance to avoid negative effects; costs 10 Chi rather than 25.
Leap Back:
Has 35% chance for immunity to most damage; costs 10 Chi rather than 15.
Cooldown time decreased to 30 seconds from 40 seconds; additional damage increased to 5,135 from 1,000; has perfect accuracy.
Weapon damage increased to 300% from 150%. Triggered condition for extra damage is now “Percentage of Health is lower than the target” instead of "Has lower Health than the target”. Triggered is now instant instead of a 3 second delay. Cannot cause a critical hit, but now has twice the chance of the critical hit percentage to cause 1.5x damage. Cost reduced to 100 Chi from 200 Chi; cooldown time decreased to 2 minutes from 15 minutes.
Reckless Rush:
Base physical damage increased to 120% from 50%.  Now deals 240% of base damage when enemy’s HP is less than 50% of max. Cannot cause a critical hit, but now has twice the chance of the critical hit percentage to cause 1.5x damage. Cooldown time decreased to 90 seconds from 120 seconds.
Blade Hurl:
Enemy disarm effect increased to 6 seconds from 3 seconds, while self-disarm remains 3 seconds. Cooldown time decreased to 60 seconds from 90 seconds. Chi cost reduced to 35 from 100.
Flame Tsunami:
Available when Health is lower than 75% instead of 40%. Chance to stun increased to 90% from 75%.
Blade Tornado:
Soulforce based damage increased to 12,000-20,000 from 5,000-11,000. While casting, damage taken reduced by 50%. Cannot cause a critical hit, but now has twice the chance of the critical hit percentage to cause 1.5x damage.
●/○Spirit Chaser:
Weapon damage increased to 80%.
●/○Atmos Strike:
Weapon damage increased to 180% from 100%.
●/○Mage Bane:
Same effect when cast on monsters, but effect on players for slowing the channeling time increased to 100% from 50%. Also, weapon damage increased to 50%.
●/○Myriad Sword Stance:
The effect of casting on monsters is unchanged, but when cast on other players, the debuff effect of Physical and Magical Attack increased to 200% for physical attack and 300% for magical attack from 50%. Additional weapon damage increased to 300% from 200%.
●/○Glacial Spike:
The effect of casting on monsters is unchanged, but when cast on other players, the debuff effect of Physical and Magical Defense increased to 90% and 60% from 50%.
●Meteor Rush:
Chance of interruption increased to 100% from 50%.
●Drake Bash:
Change not consume a Spark increased to 35% from 25%.
●Roar of the Pride:
Chi cost reduced to 20 from 25.
●Heaven's Flame:
Sage effect changed to 75 Chi recovery 1 second after casting.
●Draw Blood:
Bleed duration decreased to 9 seconds from 15 seconds and damage is now equal to 30% weapon damage.
○Draw Blood:
Bleed duration decreased to 6 seconds from 12 seconds.
●/○Piercing Winds:
Bleed duration decreased to 6 seconds from 15 seconds and damage is equal to 300% weapon damage.

 I <3 U SoW
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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I hope they get almost all in. xD At least,here seems BM has the best adds. instead of being a mystic and geting 4 adds,less chi used,less chi used,and 2 skillz are getting dmg increase + AS getting a 1,5x dmg chance higher.
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nine_FOx

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When this siren of war going to be release?
Gomiho the nine-tailed-fox.

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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can't wait for the new patch !! new fresh fun to be had !! YES !! >:D
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~

Offline ☢Thug Life☢

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When this siren of war going to be release?
g/l getting a straight answer on that.
Quote from: Agatio on 8/21/2013 at 03:59:55 pm
I spam dartle on demon spark, bitch please

Offline Balnazar

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When this siren of war going to be release?
Lol! Soon enough! Now please don't ask how soon! xD  :monkey-26: :monkey-2: :monkey-3:
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Kaleidoscope

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The reason that there's been no straight answer as to when it's going to be released is simply because we haven't been sure when it would be ready. We're not trying to keep anyone in the dark or anything, and I'm quite certain that when everything is tested and ready to go, you guys will be informed of a release date. Ever since Coffee got the files, Aga's been working hard on getting everything ready(Thank both of them when you see them), but sometimes issues arise. I know everyone's excited, but just be patient for a little while longer while we make sure everything is perfect and running smoothly. <:

Also, Paprika has been working on an all-inclusive guide for SoW(amongst other things) which she will be posting shortly before the patch is released that should answer any other questions you guys have about what to expect.

Offline Chad

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  • ashaushasuahsuashu... stfu.


isnt this the patch where the untamed get panda form/ new fox form?