Epic Perfect World

Venomancer HA change suggestion.

Offline Nea

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I aint getting any special treatment for dph sin build even tho it hits sht generally compared to aps
Ep doesnt either
Nor does wb
Or wr
Or seeker
Or any class
Next i see boost LA ep
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game


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I aint getting any special treatment for dph sin build even tho it hits sht generally compared to aps
Ep doesnt either
Nor does wb
Or wr
Or seeker
Or any class
Next i see boost LA ep
boost claw archer dmg bro
The moment when haters become fans *rofl*

Offline VodkaFaerie

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i never said they should boost it. just restore it back to where it was. it does not suprise me a sin would dislike the idea. considdering its one of the classes listed in this post that HA veno creates a problem for. come to think about..
Sins can take on an entire pt of 10. escape with kills. and not die
Archer gets both rings?!?! since when is that fair now
Seeker... i dont even need to mention how op seeker can be
Barb gets aps, dph, vit/perdi build/ def cata tank build
BM gets 2 build styles. useful for thier situation
mage genie spark in a pack- just add water not to mention class cannon to barb in script mode enabled
Ep's can adjust to massive dmg. then massive tank. same concept
psy is able to get 137 deff levels. balenced more then the rest
mystic's abilties are broken-ish but its probably the more fair class of the lot.

i feel like they dont care about HA style for veno anymore. thier abilties cater for HA armor. says it in this post. but because of script it isnt good anymore. mage vs sin. fair-ish fight. sin vs HA veno. they dont like it.
tranveling packs of perfect stated sins can't take down a HA veno in 3 seconds ofcourse its a problem.  but a whole party of mixxed classes can't take down 1 sin. no injustice at all. ill be making a very detailed thread about why HA veno should return. i expect to see you and a whole bunch of other sins there to complain :tiger-20:
(Sig pending ETA: Blith)