Epic Perfect World



  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
Well, made a few video's here and there, it all kinda slowly builds up, and now i've a somewhat decent size collection of EPW video's i've rendered.

Thought I'd add all my video's into one single thread, to keep everything neatly categorised. Also will make it easier to navigate for the right vid. :D

Please do comment, So i know my efforts in these vid's did not go unnoticed :D, Feedbacks & comments will be highly appreciated and please keep this thread drama free :/

All Video's are in HD, so those able to view in HD please do so to enjoy the vid's to the max :D

Thanks, and enjoy !!!  :police:



RObert Vs EmoKilla 1v1

Casanova Vs BadAssPanda


CTF Event - Blacks Dominate ! EpicPW !

Capture The Flag - Epic Perfect World 

Keep Away Event (First Official Match)

3v3 Event 30th October 2012

Three-Way Fight Event

2v2 Event October 22, 2012 (Just Aelana & PARANOIA's fights)


Artifex: Clash With The Asians 8/4/2015  

Artifex Vs Warning Vs Worms pk 27/3/15  

Artifex vs Warning + HangOver 07 Feb 2015  

Artifex Vs Xpendable PK 13 Aug 2014  

Artifex Vs Salvation Vs Xpendable PK 22 July 2014  

Artifex Vs Xpendable PK 15 May 2014

Artifex Vs Xpendable PK 8 May 2014

Artifex Vs. Worms Vs. Aeons + Ares Vs. T69 11 May 2014

Artifex Vs Xpendable PK 13 May 2014

Xpendable 1st week of April PvP roundup

Xpendable Vs Artifex PK 20/3/2014

Xpendable Vs Artifex PK - Labradoodle

Kendrid Lamar - MAAD CITY, Epic Perfect World

Xpendable - Tank and Gank Vol.2 - Epic Perfect World 

Xpendable Vs Artifex PK 5th March 2K14 

Xpendable Vs Artifex Vs Ducks Post TW PK !

Xpendable Vs Ares + Aeons Vs S.Korea + D.Return Vs Artifex PK  (HD)

Xpendable Vs Artifex PK 26 Feb 2K14  (HD)

Xpendable Vs Asian Dynasty 21st Feb 2014 (HD)

Xpendable Vs Salvation Vs Artifex PK 17//2/14 (HD)

Xpendable Vs Worms PK 25/1/2014 (HD)

Epic Perfect World Exodus Vol.2 (HD) 

Xpendable Tank And Gank vol.1 (HD) 

Sync Vs Outcast PK Epic Perfect World 31/3/13  (HD) 

Sync vs NoHomo 22/03/2013 (HD) 

Worms Vs. NoHomo 10v10  (HD)  

Worms Vs. Alamat 10v10  (HD)

NoHomo Vs Xpendable 30/7 HD

NoHomo Vs Xpendable PK 28/7 HD

NoHomo Vs Xpendable PK 21/7 HD(my first time recording the game)


Artifex Vs Warning TW 19/4/15  

Artifex: Tale of the Bored Barbarian vs 2 mice. 10/4/2015 

Artifex Vs Xpendable TW 31/8/2014  

Artifex Vs Xpendable TW 23/8/2014  

Artifex Vs Xpendable TW 16/8/2014 Final Part  

Xpendable Vs Artifex TW !! 17/3/2014  

NoHomo vs Outcast TW 5/04/2013 (Cody and i were just bored and mocking around, NH had no idea we were there LOL) (HD) 

Xpendable Vs Worms TW 21/09/2013

Sync Vs Worms TW 5/03/2013

Sync Vs Ducks TW 24/03/2013

The Most EpicTW

Worms Vs NoHomo TW EpicPW 19.Jan.2013

Worms Vs NoHomo TW EpicPW 12.Jan.2013

Worms Vs NoHomo TW EpicPW 11.Jan.2013

NoHomo Vs Xpendable TW EpicPW 21/09/2012





The Prodigal Son Returns...


The Night's Watch Oath - Epic Perfect World

One day when bored in EPW, while your whole faction asleep.


Game Of Thrones S3 Trailer (SHINIGAMI style :p)

LOL - zFlashx (feat. Labs)

Alamat as the 300 v3

Somethign for the Starwars fans.

Promo Vid.

Mr. and Mrs. Epic Perfect world

EPW PvP Events Promo.

Old NoHomo Recruitment vid.
Last Edit: Apr 28, 2015, 04:59 am by SHINIGAMI
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
If you love watching PW vids,  bellow are few other's from EPW who regularly uploads epic gameplay clips :)

Here are the link's to their YouTube Channel:~













P.S. There's so many people making videos now. Regardless of what faction you are from or how much you might dislike me, if you'd like your channel listed here just send me pm on the forums.  Thanks.
Last Edit: Apr 28, 2015, 04:57 am by SHINIGAMI
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf

Offline BlueRose

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  • Anime, Whatelse?
Can i ask you, how did u make those NoHomo intros? what program?

Offline Jaye

  • Characters: Peanut
Ugh labs your vids suck.. j/k :p Its the only think I like bout u. They are actually pretty badass.

Life is too short to be anything but Happy


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
Can i ask you, how did u make those NoHomo intros? what program?

The First few PK vids. were done on "cuberlink PowerDirector 10" , 

the intro. in the NH promo vid. was rendered in "Adobe After Effects CS5.5"   (first time using the soft.)

and all my Video's released after teh NH promo. vid was released are all done up in AE.

i'm still pretty noob with AE, but am learning something new with every video i produce :D

Ugh labs your vids suck.. j/k :p Its the only think I like bout u. They are actually pretty badass.

hehe ty, tyvm :D
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf

Offline BlueRose

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  • Anime, Whatelse?
The First few PK vids. were done on "cuberlink PowerDirector 10" , 

the intro. in the NH promo vid. was rendered in "Adobe After Effects CS5.5"   (first time using the soft.)

and all my Video's released after teh NH promo. vid was released are all done up in AE.

i'm still pretty noob with AE, but am learning something new with every video i produce :D

Tyvm   :-\

Offline ᗷᗩᗷYᗪEᐯIᒪ

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  • Characters: The one and ONLY Devi
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I want to say you have some talent there or patience.... maybe a bit of both ^-^ Anyway great job and hope to see more.


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
Updated ~ added 3v3 event, video ^^

I want to say you have some talent there or patience.... maybe a bit of both ^-^ Anyway great job and hope to see more.

hehe thanks  :P,   yea hehe, takes hours rendering each of these videos x.x, but these comments makes it all worth it :D

and naa am sure there are other that can do much better, am still pretty noob, most of these stuff am learning as i go, just edit these vids as a hobby :p, as a break from my studies and all hehe, which are not even related to media or anything lol x.x

thanks again :D
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf

Offline muffinbabez

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  • #TeamSner
  • Characters: Baeluna | FaeIuna
  • Faction: Frog Nation
See all your hard work pays off :)
You always are so creative, good job babe <3

♥PedroSner Forever ♥
[6:00 PM] Pedro: LOL Faeluna forever TeamSner + EdateSner


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
See all your hard work pays off :)
You always are so creative, good job babe <3

ty babe <3
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf

Offline Delirium

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Pretty decent, though in some of the vids you move around a lot and when sped up makes it look a little un-watchable. That said, great style overall (Reminds me a little of my KotH vid), good music choices; fits well with the video (And I swore I heard Lindsey Sterling in there, if it was, ily! :3) and they're not too fast nor too slow. So overall a good 8/10. :P

^Made by me! :P
Mhm. x'D

Offline Chire

  • avatar
Well, I saw this video in Neiths thread about Keep Away event, and since this is PARANOIAs video thread I think it belongs here also :) 

Have fun watching it ^_^
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:

Offline Sevraj

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  • GodsLeftHand
 :P Nice videos nabzore, is nice to have patience to edit them...i`m to lazy to stay and learn how to do them....and dw more practice more better u will learn and your vid will be more pro..so keep the good work nabzore...u shold rec one of my 1vs1 xD


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
UPDATED - added Keep Away Event video (i know it's pretty late, and most that care has already seen the video)

Pretty decent,.................................   So overall a good 8/10. :P

Thanks ^^

Well, I saw this video in Neiths thread about Keep Away event, and since this is PARANOIAs video thread I think it belongs here also :) 

thanks nab :)

:P Nice videos nabzore, is nice to have patience to edit them...i`m to lazy to stay and learn how to do them....and dw more practice more better u will learn and your vid will be more pro..so keep the good work nabzore...u shold rec one of my 1vs1 xD

yea hehe, and thanks again =D
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf