Epic Perfect World

Genie Prices?

Offline Unicorn2

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Yea u too .  :))
? I do not understand, sorry.  :-\
[9:54:05 AM] ♥: Yes, my Dear One. Rub it, and rub it good.

Offline Abis

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i managed to sell 116/150 for 200 ec.
im curious how much can i get for 124 and 128/150, and how much for +130/150 since im burning all spirit on all toons hoping to get nice genie...
If you have 130+-140+ pm me cuz i will buy it, ur price.
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I hope you don't play the stock market.  :-X

I try to get rid of stuff ( rush always ) . I try to buy stuff ( rush always ) .
So i sell cheap , buy expensive ( 120 low LP i buy it for  500 EC ) .

Offline Xeli

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I hope you don't play the stock market.  :-X
Yep man , i already said it .

Offline Xeli

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? I do not understand, sorry.  :-\

Offline Jolhans

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If you have 130+-140+ pm me cuz i will buy it, ur price.
I sell 132/150 Discipline 15k ec.

Offline Xeli

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I sell 132/150 Discipline 15k ec.
Lol. ..........
Last Edit: Mar 16, 2015, 04:35 pm by BlackRoft

Offline Abis

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I sell 132/150 Discipline 15k ec.
  :normal-43: i'll think about it even my answer will be two letter's one word (NO!)
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Good question though, price for 132/150 LP Zeal genie, how much is that ±?

Offline Abis

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Good question though, price for 132/150 LP Zeal genie, how much is that ±?
126 is about 500ec so it suppose to be around 1k-2kec
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Offline Jolhans

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126 is about 500ec so it suppose to be around 1k-2kec
Well I wouldnt say that, My first post was with joke purposes.

Now, genies up to 130+ LP are very rare, extremely rare I would say. So, 1-2k ec for an extremely rare genie doesnt sound like a fair price. Talking seriously a genie up to 130+LP go for like 4k-6k ec.

Offline Cynix

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I sell 132/150 Discipline 15k ec.
I'm basically 40

Offline Jolhans

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Oh also, genies up to 125 LP go for more than 800 ec sometimes.

Offline Nea

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Genies 100-110/ 150 = between 100 ec and 250(if lucky u get that)
Genies 110-120 / 150 = 250-500 ec
Genies 120-130 /150 = Around 500-2000 (if genie is 128/129/130,i'd pay 1,7-1,7k ec to get it,my opinion)
Genies 130-140/150 (rare) = Happens to go for more then 3k ec..just fcks up and goes for high price(and is a nice genie..so yeh)
Genies 140-150(idk,10 genies this type on server?)= More then 10k ec,fckin spammin genie skills np.
This is just my way of looking at prices,and the way i'd sell/buy.If i'm wrong..
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