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Ini edit question
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Ini edit question
Oct 10, 2013, 11:54 pm
Okay, so I've looked at every Ini edit forum I could find.. but nothing had the answer to my problem. When I make a preset with a makeover scroll, I go into the epicpw files under userdata>character>customization, the correct folder for a venomancer (31), but the preset does not appear in the folder. I have saved multiple presets but none of them have showed up. I was wondering if maybe it was because Epicpw isn't in my program files, it's in WinRar. Could that be the problem?
Mighty Moose Lord
Faction: Ducks
Oct 11, 2013, 12:09 am
Element > UserData> Character > Customize > 31
Make sure that you use the customize paths in order to go into the venomancer folder (either one works). If it still doesn't show up, try using an advanced makeover scroll (if you haven't tried already). As long as you can go into the folder paths then there shouldn't be a problem. Also, try a simplistic name for the ini file (veno1 etc).
If the problem persists, I could give you a base veno file for you to use.
eel stirfry
Forum Veteran
how nostalgic
Oct 11, 2013, 12:35 am
What exactly do you mean by its in winrar?
If its not in your programs files, its fine, since mine was in my downloads for a loong time and it worked just fine..
Oct 11, 2013, 12:59 am
Okay, I'll try that.. hopefully it will work!
Oct 11, 2013, 01:03 am
Nope, even with the advanced scroll it just wont add the preset to the customize folder v.v
eel stirfry
Forum Veteran
how nostalgic
Oct 11, 2013, 01:13 am
Soo, um, could you confirm what you meant by its in winrar?
Did you extract it via winrar ?
Or is there some winrar folder I don't know about..
Also, maybe try making a preset for other classes, see if its only Veno?
Oct 11, 2013, 01:20 am
What I mean is that the file for EPW never installed itself into my program files. It's still just in WinRar. I'm not sure if that actually changes anything though. The presets don't work with any other class, I've tried it. I would really appreciate the base veno file though, maybe that would do the trick.
Mighty Moose Lord
Faction: Ducks
Oct 11, 2013, 02:08 am
scaleUp = 140
scaleMiddle = 112
scaleDown = 112
idFaceShape1 = 23
idFaceShape2 = 23
blendFaceShape = 50
scaleFaceH = 122
scaleFaceV = 113
idFaceTex = 5
idFalingSkin = 434
idFalingTex = 436
offsetForeheadH = 131
offsetForeheadV = 134
offsetForeheadZ = 140
rotateForehead = 128
scaleForehead = 128
offsetYokeBoneH = 146
offsetYokeBoneV = 147
offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
rotateYokeBone = 125
scaleYokeBone = 122
offsetCheekH = 138
offsetCheekV = 137
offsetCheekZ = 140
scaleCheek = 137
offsetChainV = 128
offsetChainZ = 124
rotateChain = 128
scaleChainH = 119
offsetJawH = 141
offsetJawV = 138
offsetJawZ = 128
scaleJawSpecial = 128
scaleJawH = 128
scaleJawV = 128
idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 11
idEyeHighTex = 12
idEyeBallTex = 1117
idEyeShape = 361
scaleEyeH = 132
scaleEyeV = 140
rotateEye = 115
offsetEyeH = 113
offsetEyeV = 128
offseteyeZ = 105
scaleEyeBall = 151
scaleEyeH2 = 132
scaleEyeV2 = 140
rotateEye2 = 115
offsetEyeH2 = 113
offsetEyeV2 = 128
offseteyeZ2 = 105
scaleEyeBall2 = 151
idBrowTex = 7
idBrowShape = 351
scaleBrowH = 118
scaleBrowV = 68
rotateBrow = 120
offsetBrowH = 106
offsetBrowV = 127
offsetBrowZ = 128
scaleBrowH2 = 118
scaleBrowV2 = 68
rotateBrow2 = 120
offsetBrowH2 = 106
offsetBrowV2 = 127
offsetBrowZ2 = 128
idNoseTex = 1
idNoseTipShape = 16
scaleNoseTipH = 115
scaleNoseTipV = 146
scaleNoseTipZ = 130
offsetNoseTipV = 155
idNoseBridgeShape = 15
scaleBridgeTipH = 128
offsetBridgeTipZ = 91
idMouthUpLipLine = 91
idMouthMidLipLine = 86
idMouthDownLipLine = 94
thickUpLip = 115
thickDownLip = 111
scaleMouthH = 87
offsetMouthV = 125
offsetMOuthZ = 128
idMouthTex = 14
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 135
scaleMouthH2 = 87
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 135
idEarShape = 22
scaleEar = 128
offsetEarV = 140
idHairModel = 940
idHairTex = 950
idMoustacheTex = 0
idMoustacheSkin = 0
idGoateeTex = 0
colorHair = -1319486
colorFace = -792882
colorEye = -4868690
colorBrow = -1521487
colorMouth = -1524559
colorEyeBall = -11807923
colorMoustache = -1
bodyID = 1
colorBody = -792882
headScale = 121
upScale = 120
waistScale = 107
armWidth = 119
legWidth = 123
breastScale = 123
Veno Code
Ok, all you need to do is go into the 31 folder and right click > New > Text document and copy and paste that code into that text document and save it.
Now to convert it into an ini file, while in the 31 folder, click View > and check the box that says "file name extensions" and it will change the name of the file into insertname.txt <---delete the txt and write in ini and it will ask if it's ok, click yes and you will have your ini file. (make sure the file extension is name.ini and not name.txt)
Last Edit: Oct 11, 2013, 02:21 am by Caffeine
Oct 11, 2013, 02:25 am
Thank you!! I'll try it now.
Oct 11, 2013, 02:35 am
AWESOME. It worked. Thank you so much!
Mighty Moose Lord
Faction: Ducks
Oct 11, 2013, 03:23 am
Quote from:
AWESOME. It worked. Thank you so much!
You're welcome, glad I could help
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Ini edit question