Epic Perfect World


Offline Aztec

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Offline AmyDerp

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  • ~Keep looking~

Dysfunction Sage Archer ~150
Cherie Demon Veno ~150
Improper Demon Bm ~150

Offline Lolly

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Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.

Offline Flavor

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  • Characters: PearlieKyun

Offline Bre.

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  • Characters: Strategist

[16:47:01] Bre: this creeps me out.
[16:47:32] Zilara: Lmfaoo

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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  • Goddess_of_Losers
  • You just jellified of my mad moves *boogies* \o)
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.


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  • rip insanity