Newbies with weak gear can't make too many TS @ NW lol,so is really good i deea now this will help people to gear faster
How do event tokens help one gearing up faster?
Still u'd need a lot of st for that. I see ur point but honestly i dont mind if they can be made from st... most of times I dont have time for fire legion so if i want a silver cloud means I'd have to wait 30weeks.
Love it ^^and I can see where your getting at Mikau. But I think that option is more fair towards the people who can't make gm events at all .-.
Mmm, not really, some folks can get 1k supply tokens per NW. That's 20 event tokens right there. That's enough for an Owl, which sells for 1k-ish EC's, or something like that. Or the flyers. It opened up a new avenue (not the most effective maybe, but one nonetheless) for EC farming, and with all the ways to farm EC's already, I'm just worried that the economy would be impacted in some way. That is, unless the event token items got a price boost.Remember a few months ago they said that event tokens were supposed to be rare? Granted, it's a little too rare, but now the availability went from too rare to "it might as well be tradable again".Mmm...not really. Sure they can turn their ST's into event tokens then sell for EC's, but that would only be of some use if they were in the market for say...a cube neck or warsong belt. If someone's gear is weak, they should spent their tokens on stuff that would help their gear more directly, like r8 mats if they're r8.I suppose that's true. I can make most events if I wanted to, but I didn't think of that possibility.In any event, I'm still excited! (And Mysidia gets their faction icon too! Right? RIGHT?!!!)
Mmm, not really, some folks can get 1k supply tokens per NW. That's 20 event tokens right there. That's enough for an Owl, which sells for 1k-ish EC's, or something like that. Or the flyers. It opened up a new avenue (not the most effective maybe, but one nonetheless) for EC farming, and with all the ways to farm EC's already, I'm just worried that the economy would be impacted in some way. That is, unless the event token items got a price boost.
Event Tokens are now available for Supply Tokens (50ST = 1ET) making them tradeable is a problem but exchanging ST for them is fine? fck logicwerent they supposed to be rare?why did I even bother myself to go for all those eventsyou can basically change name from 'event tokens' to 'item tokens' or something
Nation Wars is an event, you get supply tokens from NW which exchange for Event tokens. It's still all collected by you and from an event.Mylogicokdon'thate.