Oki so...1) Culti - If you vote and then visit the in game boutique, on the first page you will find a 'Sage/Demon Third Fairy'. This item will actually make your culti to full Demon or Sage. HOWEVER, this can only be used when you have done your first fairy (DON'T use the item before you have become Sage or Demon), so become Aware of Discord/Myriad. When you start on this server, you are automatically at level 79 culti (Aware of Vacuity) which means you continue your culti from the dreamweaver elder (guide here). Once you become either Aware of the Void (Demon) or Aware of the Myriad (Sage), you can then use the boutique item to become Celestial. As for starting those quests, you can do it any level beyond 110. It's really easy, only time consuming part is running the instance at the end (Brimstone or Eden) but still possible. I'm sure you can find someone to give you a hand if stuck.2) BH - Theoretically, it is possible to run at any level, there's no requirement as such. Your problem would be finding a party. It's not soloable, so you need a party. If you have guildmates, that's great, I'm sure you can regularly run together. With parties on WC, some people may be hesitant about a super low level, but you should be fine as long as you contribute to the party. As for actually participating in BH, any level (110+) can do it. Some people use it for bonus exp, some people create alts just for BH. So give it a go ^_^ (Side note: For Abbadon and Seat of Torment BH's, you will actually need to do your culti to gain access)
If I buy the fairy that you buy, would I still need to run the last instance? Also I forgot to ask, I also read somewhere on the forums that you can do multiple PV's if you do it fast enough then sell your token to God's Gift is this true? Thanks to everyone who has answered my questions. I see that I have many tasks to do tomorrow
you just need to do the 1st culti,nothing more and a simple right click on the fairy yep PV is soloable as many times as you want
So I can enter PV as many times as I want even though the token expires? Sorry, I'm just confused because I heard someone say you can enter PV as many times as you want and another say you sell your token to be able to do it multiple times without having someone open it. I haven't had enough time to run PV multiple times so sorry if this question is stupid
yes you can enter it as many times as you want,just need to RESET it.That might have been the confusion,pass the lead to someone else and then re-squad,can enter then.