Epic Perfect World

Xpendable Vs Worms TW 21/09/2013 .. (Archo.) VIDEO !!!


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle

I had 0-1 fps and 1k+ ping for the most part, hence i had to speed up the video so much as an attempt to make the lag less noticeable. (didn't put on best performance as i was recording, i hate working with pixelated footage D: )

Been a while since i played the game and rendered anything, so personally i'm a bit rusty & my gears don't have any of the new upgrades yet..  Died so much in the first half, so sad :(

Also, I'd like to take this time to acknowledge  Grandmaster Insolent for Carrying the TW. Ty Master.

~Xpendable :~ Recruitment Closed.

and yes, all Xpendable's got 3 skill bars.

Edit:  Ty BeeChee for the group Photo in the end, you made my baldness shine.., and ty for the Chibi drawing aswell.. AND the music suggestion xD

Also, please keep thread drama free, was a fun TW, Worms put up a good fight everyone did awesome. Can't wait for more.
Last Edit: Sept 22, 2013, 12:21 pm by SHINIGAMI
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf


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Close fight Worms. ALL say thank you Grandmaster Insolent for carrying TW.

Offline Harry

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Was one of the most fun TWs ever attended on both EPW and PWI (Over 70)... Hope we get a show on Monday, but it's unlikely. :c


I proud of all, 4v8 cata and our crystal 100%, gf worm

edit:Thank you Grandmaster Insolent for spamming my chat with Insolent is offline in TW


TY  Grandmaster Insolent you led us to victory!

was a good tw ~
i'd like to say worms has been pretty much a good opponent honestly haven't had any good TW's until few weeks bk since we started attacking them so ty.

edit: btw gj using 3rd skill bar labs   :normal-42:
Last Edit: Sept 22, 2013, 11:35 am by Beechee


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
btw nice skill bar labs  :normal-42:

Ty, those VISA, MasterCard and GM summons, came through for us in the end.
#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf


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I proud of all, 4v8 cata and our crystal 100%, gf worm

edit:Thank you Grandmaster Insolent for spamming my chat with Insolent is offline in TW
Someone didn't want me to do the TW. =(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Offline Deference

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I proud of all, 4v8 cata and our crystal 100%, gf worm

edit:Thank you Grandmaster Insolent for spamming my chat with Insolent is offline in TW


good fight good video good music  :normal-25:

Offline mt_hatbrand

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Good fight ALL. Prepare for MAXIMUM vidya later TONIGHT by ALLAH Magicki!

Offline Consist

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I'm all the way in the back left in the group pic fml.


Edit:  Ty BeeChee for the group Photo in the end, you made my baldness shine.., and ty for the Chibi drawing aswell.. AND the music suggestion xD

np  :normal-8:

Offline DoomRazor

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lol nice vid
im wondering why worms don't push correct guess they thought its pk not tw rev should teach em tw.
i wish ho bid on worms too i need test my ea on em.

Offline Xcution

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Offline Fab

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8 minutes of my life well spent.


  • Pharmaceutical/IT Guy :p
  • May you live every day of your life.
  • Characters: Labs, Labradoodle
8 minutes of my life well spent.

#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf