Epic Perfect World

Epic Perfect World - Sheltered | Archer PvP

Offline zFlashx

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Offline Fierus

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Offline Plague

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  • blessed be the boys time can't capture
fix your internet

Offline zFlashx

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  • Characters: zFlashx, Immortalize, Imperious
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fix your internet
I wish I knew what was wrong with it.  :normal-12:

Offline Aarkshan

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i watched it the second u uploaded the video :P

Offline Janrey

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Why did you titled it as Sheltered?

Offline zFlashx

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  • Characters: zFlashx, Immortalize, Imperious
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Why did you titled it as Sheltered?
I named it Sheltered because of my Reclusive playstyle.


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Nice video my student.  :normal-42:

Offline zFlashx

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  • Characters: zFlashx, Immortalize, Imperious
  • Faction: Xpendable
Nice video my student.  :normal-42:
Ty my sensei master of EA

Offline timemanager

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So honestly who is better Archer Sage (what morai) - Chan or Archer Demon (what morai) aps?

Offline Fatigue

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So honestly who is better Archer Sage (what morai) - Chan or Archer Demon (what morai) aps?

Aps every time.

Offline Consist

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So honestly who is better Archer Sage (what morai) - Chan or Archer Demon (what morai) aps?

Aps, but now Sage EA getting smarter and using full dex which is really strong.


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Offline SalvajeMC

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Good video but... 1v1 me >:D
Wise man speak because they have something to say, Fools speak because they have to say something.

Offline ahed

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Nice video my student.  :normal-42:
you're a great dad  :normal-45: