Epic Perfect World

Best Of Best

Offline IsCo

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alright guyz i ve always wondered who is the best player among their respective classes in epw and i ve come up with my suggestion.. i ve suggested them with just what i know lol if u think someone else is best post em 
i ve mentioned their pro skills too .. and its all of wat i know just for the ppl of the server to know :)

Blademaster - Hammer_Time / Savi ( Hammer_ Time ~ more of the offensive type.. i like his stun lock and quick switches between his weps / Savi ~  is good at mass pks - suggested by a friend )
Cleric - SephirothXIV ( SephirothXIV ~ Simply Class , blink ur eyes u ll have all his debuffs on u and another blink , your eyes closed forever then :P )
Psychic - Kizza ( Kizza ~ badass timing of skills , almost impossible to win against when he is at the best of his game )
Assasin - Gakido ( BloodFeast ~ um well u guys know :P but u have to accept it :O )
Wizard - Clemy ( Knows to use jumps ( idk skil name ) and good dmg )
Venomancer - Hitmehard / KittyFuzzy/ Bewitch( all 3  are cool venos suggestions from friends idk really much abt them :O )
Barbarian - Jakho / GoodGuyBarb ( Jakho ~ OP damage let ur guard down against him for a second and GG / GoodGuyBarb ~ watch out for his axe aswell as fist .. think u got him ? nah invokes on :P )
Archer - YouJelly ( Jokerz ~ Cool Channeling will ground you before u look up )
Mystic - Frizzle / StunnerSyam ( Frizzle ~ quick channeling uses pet to its best / Stunnersyam ~ knows to use his sage heal .. a group fighter and good healer .. )
Seeker - Vermilion ( Vermilion ~ aps + dph .. uses a cool combo which will kill u for sure watch out for it )

Feel Free to tell abt cool players u ve seen around and their speciality thanks everyone <3 have a nice day

Offline Fatigue

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Blademaster - Robbert, Insanity. -Both will fist you in 1v1. zzzz
Wizard- Blitzkreig, Covenant. -Blitzkreig will drop any class with any buffs in seconds dont even try.
Archer- Swane, _Kyudo_ -Superdropfast-ch
Cleric- Cheebee, Chicabomb, Progeria- Man you never die with them
Veno- Aelana- no argument top l3l
Barb- Tigas, CyberPunk, MajorLeague- tank as *** yo
Psy- Soaring, Kizza, Biwon -zzzz
Sin- None.- Top l3l bad class never met a "good" sin.
Mystic- Madorka (duh), Frizzle -frizzle taught me MYSTIC he veri PRO im queen of chyna and he is my warlock of fake potions and bullshit magic we rule world
Seeker- Vermilion, Vindex, SwordTornado, Ephixa, Fortify,Prixy -simply because they dont just spam combo
Last Edit: Sept 14, 2013, 06:00 pm by Madorka


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BM: Insanity, Silence, Savi. (others are wannabe tank)
Mage: Covenant, Endsieg, HandsomeKyle, Redix, Clemy.
Sin: zFlashx, Ownah, XBlackDeathX(He gives dick in mass pk).
Psy: Cynix, Biwon (Master level Asian Psy).
EP: ChicaBomb, Cheebee, Danbalan.
EA: Anguished, Risachu :normal-37:
Seeker: Fortify (#1 Mass PK seeker).
Mystic: DragonStick, Kyandisu, Frizzle.
WB: Krume, `Savi(Best mass pk wb's), MajorLeague(Good in mass pk), Deno(Good in 1v1).
WF: Tavarn, Marjorie, Hitmehard, werefox. Idk about Aelana, never seen in pk.
Last Edit: Sept 15, 2013, 11:38 am by Swane

Offline Harry

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BM: Insanity, Silence, Sub.
Mage: Clemy, Redix.
Sin: Mindless, zFlashx, Ownah.
Psy: Cynix.
EP: Beechee, Zilara, Ana_.
EA: Insolent.
Seeker: Verm, Fortify.
Mystic: StunnerSyam, Frizzle.
WB: Tigas, LongDD, Jakho, Deno, Violate.
WF: Not sure.

Offline Fab

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BM: Insanity, Silence, Savi. (others are wannabe tank)
Mage: Covenant, Endsieg, HandsomeKyle, Redix, Clemy.
Sin: zFlashx, Ownah, XBlackDeathX(He gives dick in mass pk).
Psy: Cynix, Biwon (Master level Asian Psy), Mentalista.
EP: ChicaBomb, Cheebee.
EA: Anguished, Risachu :normal-37: Grandmaster Insolent  :normal-35:
Seeker: Fortify (#1 Mass PK seeker).
Mystic: DragonStick, Kyandisu, Frizzle.
WB: Krume, `Savi(Best mass pk wb's), MajorLeague(Good in mass pk), Deno(Good in 1v1).
WF: Tavarn, Marjorie, Hitmehard, werefox. Idk about Aelana, never seen in pk.

Dont agree with all but most accurated. Editted a small detail though.  :normal-1:

Offline Beloved ♥

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So, this makes it the what? At least the 10th thread about the best PKers ?

When will people realize these threads are utterly pointless?
Read this and grow up
 Don't play anymore. Won't play anymore. Bye.

Offline Nicolle

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When will people realize these threads are utterly pointless?

Offline epicseeker

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When will people realize these threads are utterly pointless?

Never, this is the internet, everyone wants to stroke their epeen, and reassure themselves that less than a hand full is still ok.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline Bixos

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These threads are actually interesting, I love to see other people's opinions about PK. If you have nothing better to say, can you please not comment so this thread doesn't get deleted or locked like every other? I am sure there are some players out there who also like this kind of threads.

Offline Sleep

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These threads are actually interesting, I love to see other people's opinions about PK. If you have nothing better to say, can you please not comment so this thread doesn't get deleted or locked like every other? I am sure there are some players out there who also like this kind of threads.

^ Yeah, I honestly don't mind these threads, but I do mind the butt-fluster and trash talking that comes with them. Respect each others' opinions, please.

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline Fatigue

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^ Yeah, I honestly don't mind these threads, but I do mind the butt-fluster and trash talking that comes with them. Respect each others' opinions, please.

There's a reason youre not on my list supernoob.

Offline Animassacre

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Am I the only one who finds YOU asking ANYONE to stay on topic hysterical?
It's actually you going off-topic now. However, stay on topic.

Offline Animassacre

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Sab, tell them who is best Psy  ?

Offline Sleep

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There's a reason youre not on my list supernoob.

AFK PvEing my feelings out.

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37: