Epic Perfect World


Should the size of each faction be reduced down to 100 people?

Yes, do change.
11 (13.6%)
No, do not change.
67 (82.7%)
I am not sure.
3 (3.7%)

Total Members Voted: 67

Voting closed: Sept 12, 2013, 05:59 pm

Solwing all EPW problems (almost all:)) (before voting, read the description).

Offline littlelupe

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Have you been noticing people becoming more and more unhappy here? Posts about nerfing this, nerfing that, creating a new server, resetting the Tw map, pk becoming almost dead and much more?
In my opinion, it all happens due to lack of balance on this server.
My ultimate and only solution would be reducing size of each faction by half.
Currently there are very few big faction, some small ones and many tiny ones. It is impossible for most people to be happy if things go like this. Most active, strongest players forming one big faction and abusing rest of the server. It is time to finish this. Everyone knows that allies system does not work.
Max 100 people in guild would bring more balance into the sever. Much more fun tws, much more fun pvp, much less complaining in general.
That step will surely not solve all PW problems, but be a great start.

Offline Tannis

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Have you been noticing people becoming more and more unhappy here? Posts about nerfing this, nerfing that, creating a new server, resetting the Tw map, pk becoming almost dead and much more?
In my opinion, it all happens due to lack of balance on this server.
My ultimate and only solution would be reducing size of each faction by half.
Currently there are very few big faction, some small ones and many tiny ones. It is impossible for most people to be happy if things go like this. Most active, strongest players forming one big faction and abusing rest of the server. It is time to finish this. Everyone knows that allies system does not work.
Max 100 people in guild would bring more balance into the sever. Much more fun tws, much more fun pvp, much less complaining in general.
That step will surely not solve all PW problems, but be a great start.
Yea.. I'd hate to sound rude because you have a legitimate concern, but this is a terrible idea. Factions are FINE they way they are, the fact of the matter is, EPW is honestly the most "balanced" server ive played, aside from the ones where everyone starts out with the same gear(No fun whatsoever). The amount of people in a faction isn't the problem, the problem is, people in smaller factions complain because they cant compete with the large factions.


I can't really agree 100% to this, i mean, why reduce the factions to half? a lot of ppl in a faction are alts or are innactive, with takes up a lot of space. Then, the lack of balance? THIS IS THE MOST BALANCED SERVER!

The small/tiny factions are growing.
The big factions are full of alts/starting to get innactive
the medium factions? same as big factions! It's hard to find a faction that's ACTIVE.

The TW, PvP and the complaining? we can take care of that.

TW and PvP depends on how the people are.

The complaining, sure, EVERYONE complains, we can't stop that, even if we nerf a lot, there will still be complaining, we can't stop that!

Offline Tannis

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I can't really agree 100% to this, i mean, why reduce the factions to half? a lot of ppl in a faction are alts or are innactive, with takes up a lot of space. Then, the lack of balance? THIS IS THE MOST BALANCED SERVER!

The small/tiny factions are growing.
The big factions are full of alts/starting to get innactive
the medium factions? same as big factions! It's hard to find a faction that's ACTIVE.

The TW, PvP and the complaining? we can take care of that.

TW and PvP depends on how the people are.

The complaining, sure, EVERYONE complains, we can't stop that, even if we nerf a lot, there will still be complaining, we can't stop that!

Offline HellishKitty

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 i clicked yes just cuz :< yes seemed lonely

Offline Feone

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I have a solution! Quit making nerf threads every time you get killed.


I have a solution! Quit making nerf threads every time you get killed.

Offline Fatigue

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I have a solution! Quit making nerf threads every time you get killed.

Nerf aelana. She kill mystic in 1v1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not possibru!!! very hack player!!!

Offline Sleep

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I vote no. The fact of the matter is that this server has it's ups and downs, but it functions, and players will always complain no matter what is altered and what is left the same. I'm no psychologist, but I think that's because we all have differing opinions, and with such a vast player-base, it is less likely that we'll see majority votes on such topics.

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:


Oh....another one of these posts.

This has been suggested before with the guild thing. It's honestly not a good idea.

Offline Unicorn2

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I vote no. The fact of the matter is that this server has it's ups and downs, but it functions, and players will always complain no matter what is altered and what is left the same. I'm no psychologist, but I think that's because we all have differing opinions, and with such a vast player-base, it is less likely that we'll see majority votes on such topics.
[9:54:05 AM] ♥: Yes, my Dear One. Rub it, and rub it good.

Offline Harry

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I vote no. The fact of the matter is that this server has it's ups and downs, but it functions, and players will always complain no matter what is altered and what is left the same. I'm no psychologist, but I think that's because we all have differing opinions, and with such a vast player-base, it is less likely that we'll see majority votes on such topics.

It's hard to take this QQ thread seriously, but if I did. This would basically be my imput here (Tori god GM). Anyway, I don't see how kicking (In some cases) 100 people out of a faction, because a new 'rule' was put inplace would help at all. Surely that would make those that are unfortunate enough to be kicked out, angry? And then the QQ comes.

So in effect, you're battling QQ with QQ. GF Logic.

Anyway, to the 'voting'. I'd like to say that the answers that you have provided, are extremely biased. You either, are completely with you, sort of with you (Saying the server sucks) or have no clue. Even if this was to be considered, better answers would definitely be needed.

I've said this before, many MANY times. But if you dislike the game, there's a very easy logic to understand that you can just switch games. PWI has had it's fun, but sometimes stuff runs dry - and if you feel like minimizing the amount of players in a faction to 100, then it's surely your time to make way.

Also, I still really don't see how this will help at all. And your reasoning is lesser than invalid (Isn't even impossible, that's how awful it is...). If you're lacking members, there's also another very easy logic to understand which is recruiting members, and over time you can introduce applications and start to become much more 'picky' than other factions. And eventually, after a long effort and a lot of time spent you'll end up with one of the best factions out there. And then it may still be unbalanced, but it's much less noticeable when it goes the other way. Also, PvE is still there and you can always suggest new ways to enhance PvE on this server, because lets be honest PvE died 2 years ago on PWI and is only used to level.

Happy Gaming!

Anyway, back to my work. .-.
Last Edit: Sept 09, 2013, 07:38 pm by Violate

Offline littlelupe

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200 people factions can not work on a private server, on PWI there are enough people so yes, here  it only causes chaos, imbalance. People tend to group up and form 1-2 big factions in order to rule. Why not preventing that way of playing? With 100 people in factions there would be so much more competition, so much less dominating, things so much more interesting.
This is not about complaining, my ideas simply work.
You would probably have to make new factions, not cut old ones by half. In my opinion, someone who has something to loose here (or thinks he has) or someone who is afraid, would be against that idea.
I have suggested this long ago, because I understand how PW fun works.

Offline Feone

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This is not about complaining, my ideas simply work.

It must be nice to be omnipotent.

Offline Sleep

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My people have spoken. Amnesia out.

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37: