Epic Perfect World


Offline Ɗҽʂιɠɳҽɾ

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Ich bin deutsch und ihr ???
I am german and u ??


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Ich bin deutsch und ihr ???
I am german and u ??
Hello Mr. Vimal aka black german, I'm african.


Offline Ɗҽʂιɠɳҽɾ

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Hello Mr. Vimal aka black german, I'm african.

Prove me it ;)
Come skype let ur lips beatbox :3333

Offline Harry

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Offline BeNicePlease

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Hello, I am African
I went to school once but then it got a bad infestation of platypuses, and had to quit.

I also took German classes for 3 months, got bored and quit. Trying to communicate with the horse I ride to Uni everyday seemed more fun.

I was bitten by a lion as a kid. It came into my room and tried to steal my collection of DBZ original tokens.

Offline Ɗҽʂιɠɳҽɾ

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Hello, I am African
I went to school once but then it got a bad infestation of platypuses, and had to quit.

I also took German classes for 3 months, got bored and quit. Trying to communicate with the horse I ride to Uni everyday seemed more fun.

I was bitten by a lion as a kid. It came into my room and tried to steal my collection of DBZ original tokens.

Hallo , der herr

Offline BeNicePlease

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Offline Bixos

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Racist.   :normal-14:
:sad: No plis I half austrian. D:


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Racist.   :normal-14:
Hello Mindless_Player.