Epic Perfect World

IceLotus Recruiting

Offline Xcution

  • avatar
  • Forum Veteran
  • I am the ocean of the Universe.
  • Characters: Xcution, Skyscream
  • Faction: IceLotus

IceLotus Recruiting Everybody!!!
We are going straight for the top and we need active players who want to develop themselves and help develop others!!!
We got base, doing BH's, Trials, GV, PV, TT, have faction events like Hide and Seek, World Boss Hunt and others!!!
PvP fans are welcomed, we need you guys to become best PK faction out there!!!!

Join now!!!
Looking for active officers now, so don't miss your chance!!!!The future is ours!
For information ingame PM
Skyscream, Xcution, Gcoy, Anith, ishuu, Artificial
or visit our official site:
Also keep an eye on World Chat ingame, we are recruiting often!!!!

Last Edit: Sept 22, 2013, 01:16 pm by Dreamskies

Offline Nicolle

  • Old Player
  • No
  • Faction: Artifex
Good Luck with your faction  :tiger-48:
Best recruitment layout so far, GL hun.

Offline Xcution

  • avatar
  • Forum Veteran
  • I am the ocean of the Universe.
  • Characters: Xcution, Skyscream
  • Faction: IceLotus
Best recruitment layout so far, GL hun.
Thanks  ;)

Offline 🌸

  • -
  • Characters: Mercy, Sigh
so cute. good luck with your faction. <3

Offline ~TheQueenB~

  • ~#IDFWU~
  • $$ Life is Good $$
  • Characters: I am Legion
  • Faction: GAME=FUN Leader
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~

Offline ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)MokoLoko

  • Savagery Master
  • Destroyed Gestapo, Frost+Tyroth, 0fks, 0fks catfishers, Notorious (on all servers), Akatsuki
Cool name :> goodluck :)

crazy how Savagery shit on you

Offline ShuiYu

  • avatar
  • Old Player
  • Faction: Xpendable
[8/22/13 12:56:05 PM] Fab: come, i headhunt your pants
[8/22/13 12:56:38 PM] Bre :3: You're so cute I shadow walk before coming near you.
[8/22/13 12:56:59 PM] Scott: You make me fully charge my take aim.
[8/22/13 12:57:46 PM] Hong: You're so hot even soul of fire cant stop you
[8/22/13 12:57:46 PM] Scott: You make my domain absolute.
[8/22/13 12:58:18 PM] Bre :3: Your beauty stuns me through belief.
[8/22/13 1:00:04 PM] Scott: Keep this up and i'll release my deadly shot.


  • avatar
  • Forum Veteran
  • rip insanity

Offline Balnazar

  • Godfather of Worms
  • I be back m8
  • Characters: Balnazar
  • Faction: Worms
All the best with your faction! :)
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Xcution

  • avatar
  • Forum Veteran
  • I am the ocean of the Universe.
  • Characters: Xcution, Skyscream
  • Faction: IceLotus
All pm Xcution in game!


All pm Xcution in game!
Laterr xD

Offline Aleya

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  • Member

Offline Xcution

  • avatar
  • Forum Veteran
  • I am the ocean of the Universe.
  • Characters: Xcution, Skyscream
  • Faction: IceLotus
Recruiting active mains and looking for officers!!!!!!
Apply now for benefits later!!!!
Stay Strong.
Ignite the revolution.


Idk when ill be online now, so much irl stuff and school started q.q