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EPW Giveaway!
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720 Replies
EPW Giveaway!
Retired Staff Member
is adorable. ❤
Aug 31, 2013, 07:32 am
UPDATE: Since there are so many sign ups already, I have increased the amount of winners to five.
First place/Grand prize: 700 ec & 500 supply tokens
Second place: 500 ec & 300 supply tokens
Third place: 300 ec & 100 supply tokens
Fourth place: 200 ec
Fifth place: 100 ec
Any drama, off topic posts, or anything that isn't an entry is not allowed and will be deleted.
Retired Staff Member
is adorable. ❤
Aug 31, 2013, 07:32 am
This is the entry list. I will update it frequently. Your entry number is your "ticket" number and everyone can see their number below.
1 - Elly
2 - Madorka
3 - Vermilion.
4 - Aztec
5 - thebox
6 - Cherie 2.0
7 - Hammer_Time
8 - Pluencita
9 - elllieee
10 - ariamore
11 - _Fur_
12 - LemmeThink
13 - firestorm106
14 - cleene
15 - vain
16 - kin
17 - Raii
18 - Leonora
19 - E_V_I_L
20 - deathkrypto
21 - Erecura/Erettra
22 - Soaring
23 - Jawaad
24 - Azryn
25 - JuiceBox
26 - halffis
27 - wolfies
28 - Yeshi
29 - ibeme
30 - alatreon07
31 - LeWildVookie
32 - caitotino
33 - RoxxySue
35 - Deli_Kitty
36 - synapse
37 - briant009
38 - Lost
39 - Rumor
40 - YouJelly
41 - Elanorr
42 - Macintosh
43 - wiewiooraq
44 - ღREIღ
45 - Jublay
46 - Cold0nce
47 - wojtron
48 - Jayke
49 - VincentV
50 - TrEkkStArr
51 - Senbonzakura
52 - Anarchyy
53 - Danica
54 - mha23
55 - kazuo1021
56 - lastraven
57 - Rayo
58 - Kera
59 - tryingiton
60 - whatstheproblemdock
61 - RubberDuck
62 - Little_Veno
63 - _HULK_
64 - Bibliophile
65 - Vanatorul
66 - Zilara
67 - GoldBow
68 - headblade
69 - isan100
70 - zFlashx
71 - leopard885
72 - HuhTanky
73 - dustsilence
74 - KneeDeep
75 - VanessaSanjorjo
76 - [D]Janitor
77 - PapiLoco
78 - nokisito
79 - Scopetha
80 - paul091624
81 - Vilifier
82 - AeonSword
83 - aditza89
84 - Dewy
85 - Watain
86 - $aphira
87 - Sir.Kico
88 - Vrezen
89 - Mx11y
90 - TexDastardly
91 - noblesse
92 - Totami
93 - Rally
94 - Yasuko
95 - Atkala
96 - arvingamit
97 - csenger41
98 - death12345
99 - erulrs1112
100 - Broly
101 - von778
102 - Jeromey
103 - deathmaster88
104 - asakanmn
105 - SOGO
106 - a4tech501
107 - En
108 - Meow85
109 - Vindex
110 - xue
111 - Niani
112 - HanX
113 - donjim23
114 - Claudette
115 - karinqa
116 - Mugetsu
117 - eyre_lyn
118 - IcyTech
119 - bananaskin
120 - rugger
121 - christian177
122 - haya
123 - swaganomic
124 - Yoonah
125 - Sarmey
126 - Feone
127 - fnaticnoob
128 - LazyOne
129 - mizukano
130 - juretiger
131 - Ely♡
132 - nuggerkj
133 - Naxeliel
134 - pothico
135 - adrianpetru
136 - joyjoy22
137 - Big L
138 - AuRaGeN
139 - bvanharjr
140 - PhantomPain
141 - Sixitos
142 - nemesis300
143 - maritots
144 - Fab
145 - gaDro
146 - papimoako
147 - pikaPika
148 - Clexane
149 - hydra
150 - wesnan10
151 - Hellord
152 - Gremis
153 - HerbalTea
154 - [B ]ecketo
155 - Hailey-
156 - MsEve
157 - HeLLSouL
158 - OutLaws
159 - dbtoyz
160 - Chu
161 - cynderfox
162 - Stella
163 - titiemonster
164 - Lucky
165 - Butthead
166 - Queso
167 - Bonnie
168 - Taap★
169 - TheQueenB
170 - Astaga`Here
171 - marvek
172 - twINK
173 - Riruka
174 - Akeldama
175 - iplayalone
176 - nena
177 - lilmutts
178 - Azusa
179 - /\lice
180 - _Jose_
181 - OhMyCookie
182 - jimoy15
183 - Craggan
184 - Escorian
185 - LiYan
186 - IsCo
187 - milco342
188 - Mikau
189 - SlickZ
190 - Uriel
191 - chronicles
192 - deoxy43
193 - Sabee
194 - TheMatthew562
195 - Kallipsoo
196 - VolK
197 - Hie Tsugami
198 - moist1
199 - slani12345
200 - Vehemet
201 - Tobias
202 - tata258
203 - AfroSamurai
204 - BabysShadow
205 - Demon_Hnter
206 - ShadowsBaby
207 - gwyn
208 - Magicuxx
209 - lkits
210 - edogaa
211 - Gota
212 - Erotha
213 - Mizotasu♥
214 - Skullcrack
215 - Norantha
216 - Fruitality
217 - kurt2312
218 - Derpier
219 - IchBinGerman
220 - SeeStern
221 - TinyKiss
222 - Theo0980
223 - Cecelia
224 - MEDUSA
225 - nararei
226 - Jolhanson
227 - LunaNini
228 - fadhli1989
229 - Ya'll suck
230 - Astute
231 - HellishKitty
232 - von778
233 - Consist™
234 - Mazze
235 - Deea
236 - darkqueenofnight
237 - rosefairy69
238 - Halfwit
239 - Velik
240 - iRawkZ
241 - varnold
242 - xXDaggerXx
243 - dalonghac
244 - starangel
245 - privatepro
246 - Lykka
247 - nakama13
248 - sandunguera
249 - Roxas
250 - Soleil
251 - Andr3y93
252 - Shadowchiz
253 - filipetaninha
254 - Magx
255 - Zaphour
256 - SeemsLegit
257 - dmaserrat
258 - Beloved♥
259 - huba009
260 - kimut2011
261 - PhongNhi
262 - Onjul
263 - larry
264 - Kuroh
265 - Chibbi
266 - greedy011
267 - Mexicano
268 - ghemghem
269 - Kyrael
270 - crixz26
271 - midnytelace
272 - easymoney1
273 - Robbert
274 - Cheebee
275 - Tali
276 - 9artsDragon
277 - Cool_BM
278 - FoxyDee
279 - Gaios
280 - Savitar
281 - zebedee1
282 - Tenpou
283 - kenren
284 - Gamlen
285 - Janrey
286 - fendyheryantoo
287 - Fryz
288 - Skitzo
289 - iamfuzzy
290 - Confide
291 - brstreet2
292 - Caffeine
293 - taven3772
294 - ىaℜa JƎ∀Ɲ ✞
295 - Bun_Yip
296 - SCOOP
297 - aurian164
298 - AleXyo
299 - easymoney1
300 - sterukee
301 - platten
302 - AngeliqMyst
303 - Tenashi
304 - Hye_Su
305 - pfendley
306 - Ultimate
307 - buster
308 - Xylisithe
309 - broski454
310 - crosserke01
311 - ReckUrWorld
312 - Debeuf
313 - akasha
314 - fyrebrite
315 - Despairsray22
316 - Sephiroth
317 - Zephyr
318 - Yuumi
319 - wachasay008
320 - anotherez
321 - KittyMeow
322 - Jugg
323 - effrenata
324 - Fantom13
325 - Coco29
326 - Nic
327 - ~Rin~
328 - ands21
329 - dhamilton1218
330 - KittyFuzzy
331 - secret1791
332 - Slig :D
333 - Loosehoe
334 - bichix
335 - Cynix
336 - Lolly
337 - Nipple♥
338 - SlipKnoT
339 - lordceric
340 - Kahmal
341 - Fortify
342 - LilStardust
343 - ★FabioLicious★
344 - Samase
345 - Vionn
346 - Aren
347 - Alee
348 - Elanorr
349 - LikeFishABoss
350 - esc0rz
351 - simiky
352 - creedsomen
353 - Gex
354 - emphasis
355 - Diipy-
356 - Ace
357 - tito0000
358 - MaGiCaLeYeS
359 - Rosdi
360 - Zanacus
361 - stickyheartsu
362 - UndertakerBA
363 - The Laughing Man
364 - Kazureblue
365 - Johania
366 - †ìmèñ†ìøñ
367 - YouGotMe
368 - Swane
369 - Shalymar
370 - MisticShadow
371 - TheFelineLife
372 - _Angel
373 - Flexagen
374 - FuR
375 - Pharx
376 - Baha
377 - Sneaker
378 - TheRealKiller
379 - Flior
380 - benjayahari
381 - Mint
382 - sahouri
383 - hiraku5678
384 - ORACLE
385 - wapazin
386 - Socordia
387 - chefez
388 - Gigaknight
389 - rugger
390 - PWN
391 - jrunzel
392 - pista322
393 - mynxette
395 - Hirudegarn16
396 - Twinklight
397 - Magizian
398 - yosukerin
399 - xKachiri
400 - mzlink76
401 - believe58
402 - Evangelica♀
403 - YouAreMyFood
404 - raknaitu999
405 - Naharu
406 - tingyang78
407 - toxicwasted1201
408 - AnKrOvAs
409 - Evermore
410 - DoctorPhil
411 - peanutsf72173
412 - Tatsi
413 - ledzkie008
414 - pothico
415 - Tink
416 - michelotis
418 - royalgoddess
419 - Khaamat
420 - martylka
421 - TippyTina
422 - Hellspit
423 - patrick410
424 - KingCobra
425 - Totoy Brown
426 - pistol489
427 - smcotten1983
428 - anais87
429 - harmlezz_23
431 - Lucienne
432 - crixz26
433 - AxelVIII
434 - iU
435 - Azul
436 - Malarix
437 - aaliya21
438 - timetable
439 - neykoh
440 - djdirty_713
441 - Geodeus
442 - MayaKarin
443 - Deusa
444 - Rev
445 - piinkme
446 - redface
447 - shryee
448 - Magadone
449 - bixos
450 - BabaYaga
451 - mojica1
452 - Casanova.
453 - tfvivi22
454 - Skilverlight
455 - SlowPokie
456 - johnpp
457 - farhad1373
458 - chronicles
459 - ImbaSkill
460 - soulfireguy
461 - brokensoul
462 - NightFallsAngel
463 - insanewander06
464 - vincue
465 - chriseylynn
466 - Your Mother
467 - bleyed
468 - Angel (aka many other)
469 - StormyNightz
470 - _feedback_
471 - khelvhien22
472 - sid-
473 - Tittania
474 - angel292
475 - piratemarin
476 - Aujami
477 - miistogan
478 - darkfire
479 - PublicAgent
480 - johndrake666
481 - Akechi
482 - stickwall1
483 - Kamagong
484 - jeryu
485 - cpdosantiago
486 - secret1791
487 - dood_donner
488 - Ionut
489 - tmteo
490 - Maximilillillian
491 - samdaman117
492 - crackers9363
493 - ZerokoMd
494 - rhea
495 - keifazly
496 - KroniKa
497 - datahack21
498 - yampots
499 - Nuka
500 - NeeT
501 - CantSeeMe
502 - jamesbalundo
503 - boro08
504 - donjim23
505 - DeathAvenger
506 - Sinatic
507 - WhoAmI
508 - CookMySock
509 - Sasuke_ITA
510 - ravensinned
511 - Jay0010
512 - _SaYuRi_
513 - /Assassin/
514 - inzane
515 - wtawfik
516 - Lezzqueen
517 - B_M
518 - KinkyBarb
519 - Groovy
520 - Cata
521 - crimsonrose
522 - DarkPyro
523 - قناص
524 - imtoogood
525 - Setsu
526 - tarcom
527 - WTFsin
528 - Feline
529 - antoniosabdelmassih
530 - raintm
531 - vemogeorge
532 - nashy
533 - rowievem
534 - Shovon
535 - Daganoth
536 - no_f33l!ngs
537 - BlackRoft
538 - wingmaker
539 - eruhin1
540 - charmagne
541 - ZvastiK
542 - Diesel
543 - sadhman2
544 - EzioPvp
545 - aniox
546 - Tren
547 - janu
548 - Scopetha
549 - ziggs
550 - fitz
551 - emokillua
552 - HeLLinA
553 - NoRules
554 - Jennabee
555 - peng2004
556 - PietroP
557 - sarke
558 - Sango
560 - FranzArcher
562 - Chanzeer
563 - deadlym3
564 - DreadLord
565 - Hexen
566 - blackice
567 - eienana
568 - WildWolf
569 - Waste
570 - DJBFF
571 - zoeyceleste
572 - tatw89
573 - kej397
574 - kico
575 - takkigergo
576 - seby10
577 - CT1256
578 - Magi
579 - brialashay
580 - Takken
581 - To/\/\pa
582 - ☯_ℜℴℵαηηҿ_☯
583 - RaynianEPW
584 - Malditho2
585 - Liquidstep
586 - msig22
587 - guilegwapo
588 - UnlovedOne
589 - MrWiggleton
590 - Pellaz
591 - LOGAN
592 - moonshine
593 - skaiikun
594 - missilepower
595 - pookiebear
596 - queenbee
597 - Alderado
598 - Cebleng♫
599 - kagura18ayame
600 - Xabu
601 - Wolfo
602 - MaChikin
603 - BronChica
604 - BobG4427
605 - Faerie
606 - zKr
607 - Murcas
608 - rancorous
609 - Coco29
610 - Happy_lilly
611 - hosaam
612 - SuperKuya
613 - iAmLegend
614 - rainjessa
615 - deathtoall
616 - kasumaru
617 - anino
618 - Aleya
619 - jimcute
620 - yampots
621 - jepoy
622 - Takashi
623 - Parisa
624 - Crazy
625 - skywalk1
626 - khijin75
627 - xhenna
628 - Falabella
629 - MarcusMyles24
630 - cesl4991
631 - jkate201
632 - akang
633 - Mievieh
634 - Raika
635 - jhongss09
636 - SashaD
637 - Zacharius
638 - wingmaker
639 - Kuniko
640 - natika
641 - CloyCloy
642 - VodkaRB
643 - DragonTalon
644 - xena01
645 - ajjcje
646 - inforg
647 - Elli
648 - juansh3210
649 - absentha
650 - sweetgirl16
651 - Jackula
652 - Mate
653 - AOH
654 - Ahara
655 - Nicki-77
656 - xXBlazeXx
657 - kurikung
658 - edelny
659 - Elfafellala
660 - ThaBM
661 - Flighty93
662 - bulmabunny86
663 - NetheR
664 - borfasul86
665 - Basilisk
666 - Nicolle
667 - Ferra
668 - SeveredSoul
669 - 47
670 - Shay
671 - harrycaine
672 - zmaninfl
673 - Saky
674 - saki3
675 - dP
676 - SalvajeMC
677 - JebakLeśny
678 - yomi_ln
679 - birdman
680 - Lsa
681 - foxmaiden
682 - Nicky
683 - erulrs1112
684 - Treyy
685 - Vesztorusz
686 - redpiglet
687 - nena
688 - MsChelle
689 - AppleboyX
690 - Flame
691 - S!nAttack
692 - Aphrodita
693 - SaKi
694 - Toxatron
695 - Mikael_
696 - sirkeisha
697 - movexxxon
698 - rpcom
699 - Irserious
700 - SinfulRegret
701 - Milkdud
702 - Govheg
703 - Devirox43
704 - ✝Sybil✝
705 - jazzy
706 - Debeuf
Last Edit: Sept 03, 2013, 12:17 pm by Agatio
Agony awaits
Aug 31, 2013, 07:36 am
character: Elly
Last Edit: Aug 31, 2013, 06:31 pm by Elly
Elly - 150 Sage venomancer
Decipher - 150 Demon mystic
[22:32:11] Chad: the name rev
[22:32:13] Chad: is foul language
You will never be this beautiful
Aug 31, 2013, 07:38 am
Im entering.
Forum Veteran
The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
Characters: Sadistic, Stiletto
Aug 31, 2013, 07:39 am
Signing up.
Aug 31, 2013, 07:40 am
I'm in.
Old Player
Faction: Xpendable
Aug 31, 2013, 07:40 am
im signing up <:
[8/22/13 12:56:05 PM] Fab: come, i headhunt your pants
[8/22/13 12:56:38 PM] Bre :3: You're so cute I shadow walk before coming near you.
[8/22/13 12:56:59 PM] Scott: You make me fully charge my take aim.
[8/22/13 12:57:46 PM] Hong: You're so hot even soul of fire cant stop you
[8/22/13 12:57:46 PM] Scott: You make my domain absolute.
[8/22/13 12:58:18 PM] Bre :3: Your beauty stuns me through belief.
[8/22/13 1:00:04 PM] Scott: Keep this up and i'll release my deadly shot.
X p e n d a b l e ❤
~Keep looking~
Aug 31, 2013, 07:40 am
I'm entering
Dysfunction Sage Archer ~150
Cherie Demon Veno ~150
Improper Demon Bm ~150
The rise of Charles is coming.
Aug 31, 2013, 07:40 am
Bump>>>I want in o:
Aug 31, 2013, 07:41 am
So do I. In game nick - PIuencee.
Last Edit: Aug 31, 2013, 12:51 pm by Pluencita
Old Player
Aug 31, 2013, 07:41 am
Entering :p
Help Desk
The heart has reasons that reason cannot know.
Aug 31, 2013, 07:43 am
I'm in, too.
If there be a hell upon earth it is to be found in a melancholy man's heart...
Characters: Allizkrad
Faction: HellRazor
Aug 31, 2013, 07:45 am
im in also
Aug 31, 2013, 07:47 am
Signing up please.
Aug 31, 2013, 07:48 am
Lemme in.... tnx
Archer 150 Cleene
Seeker 150 MsLoveD
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Epic Perfect World
EPW Giveaway!