Epic Perfect World

I love killing my own guild


I love killing my own guild when guild leader fac sigs.

Offline ahed

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  • Faction: Artifex/Apollumi
holy god

100k dmg
I CALL IT HACKS  :police:

Offline 🌸

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That damage...

OP haxor.

Offline BeNicePlease

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  • How is life this easy?
See clan signet > accept > black and white screen > see maxy huehuehue-ing to himself


Offline ~TheQueenB~

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  • Characters: I am Legion
  • Faction: GAME=FUN Leader
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~


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  • rip insanity
I love killing my own guild when guild leader fac sigs.
N00b COTD sin, pm your master RickDub for lessons.

Offline Foxglove

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  • Faction: Tyrants
See clan signet > accept > black and white screen > see maxy huehuehue-ing to himself


sounds about right.

Offline BeNicePlease

  • Forum Veteran
  • How is life this easy?
sounds about right.

you try have swag with ur avatar pic?