In this pic we decided to use a white lovebird dress to go to TW and this was one of our last pics (or the last one) we took as a group before most of us left to devastation's new serverI miss you begayed!
wow, I remember you o.o HiddenRage from DW, Kirli was your gf back then. Am I wrong?
And the year was 2008 when saw !aceUriel should remember that oneAnd FugiTiveS guild owned FPW map firstAnd some HangOver guild picsHH farming was best with RassAnd ppl telling that HangOver is EA guild lul...And when i won first last man standing eventFew ppl in Worms should remember that one And time when Uriel was FugiTiveS leader...Have screenshots since 2008 october, but i think most ppl dont know those good old times. Should have all screenshots from old FPW and new FPW.