Epic Perfect World


Offline Aquasfira

  • avatar
  • I love neon colors!!
  • My life is everywhere, and I'll live it all! <3
 :monkey-49: Cuz I missed you all soooo much, maybe xD

DA: http://obsidianthorn.deviantart.com/
Aquasfira 150-Cleric Demon | UglyStick 150-Seeker Sage
Luxray 148-Archer Demon | Bawllin 140-Barb Sage

Offline Mizotasu♥

  • qt sage werepenguin~
  • Characters: Mizotasu, Lilly
  • Faction: Tyrants/Siege

Offline Sleep

  • avatar
  • Retired Staff Member
  • A really saucy
  • Empathy is a dying art.
  • Characters: Sleep|Snooze|Opiate|Snore
  • Faction: EPW_Team
:monkey-49: Cuz I missed you all soooo much, maybe xD

AMG WELCOME BACK.  :tiger-48: :tiger-48: :tiger-48:

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:


  • avatar
  • Forum Veteran
  • rip insanity
I don't know you but welcome back  :normal-25:

Offline Elena

  • Old player. Veno master.
  • Don't worry, my tattoos don't like you either.
  • Characters: Nya
Welcome back  :))

Offline Kazureblue

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  • Member
Yay! Welcome Back!

Offline Aquasfira

  • avatar
  • I love neon colors!!
  • My life is everywhere, and I'll live it all! <3
:normal-8:  You know I am just coming back to harrass you all <3 And Tyyy -Huggles everyone- T_T it's been rough out there!

DA: http://obsidianthorn.deviantart.com/
Aquasfira 150-Cleric Demon | UglyStick 150-Seeker Sage
Luxray 148-Archer Demon | Bawllin 140-Barb Sage

Offline Kaleidoscope

  • avatar
  • Tangle was here ♥
  • Surge was here ♥

Wb darlin'.

Offline elllieee

  • avatar
  • Old Player
OIIIIIIIIII wb Alixx :3333

Offline Fab

  • Forum Veteran

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

  • avatar
  • Goddess_of_Losers
  • You just jellified of my mad moves *boogies* \o)
Will you start taking commissions again?
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline ~TheQueenB~

  • ~#IDFWU~
  • $$ Life is Good $$
  • Characters: I am Legion
  • Faction: GAME=FUN Leader
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~

Offline Resolve

  • Flurry of Dancing Flames
  • Characters: Resolve
  • Faction: Apollumi\Nohomo
:monkey-49: Cuz I missed you all soooo much, maybe xD

WB <33

We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.


wb, even though idk u.