Epic Perfect World


Offline Chire

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Okay so I got my tablet yesterday. I tried out few drawing programs, and I wanted to see if you guys have any other suggestions about any drawing program as well. I tried GIMP but from some reason it wont let me draw. When I press with pencil or mouse nothing happens. So if anyone has some solution about that please help me also, if you can Q_Q
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:


Paint Tool Sai.  ^-^

Offline Chire

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I have it, and my question about Sai is - does it rly need to be pressed so hard some times to draw in it @_@ ?
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:

Offline Chire

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And I didnt know its so hard to get used to tablet Q_Q
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:


lol, it's rather, have you installed your tablet?

Sai has a pressure thingy, check your tablet settings, that might help too ^^

Offline Chire

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lol, it's rather, have you installed your tablet?

Sai has a pressure thingy, check your tablet settings, that might help too ^^
I installed tablet and I set everything with it how I needed. The problem is I want to try out GIMP but it wont let me draw at all, even with mouse. I press and nothing happens with pen or paintbrush
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:


I installed tablet and I set everything with it how I needed. The problem is I want to try out GIMP but it wont let me draw at all, even with mouse. I press and nothing happens with pen or paintbrush
Have you made a canvas? xD Sorry, haven't used GIMP since 2009. I can only work well with SAI and photoshop QQ

Offline 🌸

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I use my tablet with Sai and i've never had any problems with the pressure. If you do you could always turn the pressure sensitivity off. c:

Offline BeNicePlease

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I draw circles in paint  :]


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10/10 would read again.



Offline Sleep

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Okay so I got my tablet yesterday. I tried out few drawing programs, and I wanted to see if you guys have any other suggestions about any drawing program as well. I tried GIMP but from some reason it wont let me draw. When I press with pencil or mouse nothing happens. So if anyone has some solution about that please help me also, if you can Q_Q

PAINT TOOL SAI. Paprika recently sent me a link to a better download: more brushes, etc. I'll see if I can sift through my holy bible of Skype give it to you. c:

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline eel stirfry

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PAINT TOOL SAI. Paprika recently sent me a link to a better download: more brushes, etc. I'll see if I can sift through my holy bible of Skype give it to you. c:
I have a download for sai, as well as two downloads for extra brushes and textures I can give to you o.o
Edit: I have a photoshop cs5 download too if you want C:
As well as brushes and whatnot...


PAINT TOOL SAI. Paprika recently sent me a link to a better download: more brushes, etc. I'll see if I can sift through my holy bible of Skype give it to you. c:

hmm i think i know wat ur on about with this, but i actually use the preset brushes which work just fine for my lineart i just use this http://prntscr.com/1kb4ck