Epic Perfect World

In-game player store problem

Offline Dombra

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So I just bought an item from a player's store and nothing really happened... I checked my inventory to see the bought item and while I was looking at it it went *poof* :< In normal words it disappeared from my inventory... So 40mil spent to get air, awesome, if someone could help me that'd be great ._.
Barbarian - Untamed Barbarian - Biggest D(efense)
DatBoi - Human Warrior - Fam want CC?
ToadGod - Nightshade Duskblade - Hippity Hoppity get off my property

Offline elllieee

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Offline Harry

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Maybe it said "Service Unavailable" and you received the 40m back in 10m big notes?


Did you relog? Did you get a "Service Unavailable" and not realize it and just thought you bought the item?

Offline Dombra

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I was sure I bought it but after the 5th relog the item appeared ._. ty anyway xD
Barbarian - Untamed Barbarian - Biggest D(efense)
DatBoi - Human Warrior - Fam want CC?
ToadGod - Nightshade Duskblade - Hippity Hoppity get off my property