Epic Perfect World

zFlashx Epic PW - Relentless II - Assassin NW | PvP

Offline zFlashx

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  • Characters: zFlashx, Immortalize, Imperious
  • Faction: Xpendable
It has been 5 Months since Relentless I, 2months since my last sin PvP Video, I Think the time has come.

(Read description, this is most likely my last video)


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  • rip insanity

Offline ahed

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nice one with killing the cleirc 5:04 xD

Offline BeNicePlease

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  • How is life this easy?
? Last video ?
Need more Southern Gods up in here Flashi babe

Offline Bill Dipperly

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Offline 🌸

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nice one with killing the cleirc 5:04 xD


Only sin I know that uses death link and correctly.

Offline Fab

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Son > Father, gg dumb nephew  :normal-25:

Offline Fierus

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Offline Scwerz

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  • Im Your Bad Dream
It has been 5 Months since Relentless I, 2months since my last sin PvP Video, I Think the time has come.

(Read description, this is most likely my last video)

nice vid my friend :)


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Son > Father, gg dumb nephew  :normal-25:
All those 1shot zerk crits  :normal-14:

Offline Scwerz

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  • Im Your Bad Dream
lol Seel is Flash's father? lol...u were nice btw :P


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lol Seel is Flash's father? lol...u were nice btw :P

Offline iphone

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  • What a ***?
so can i cry for u

Offline ahed

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Son > Father, gg dumb nephew  :normal-25:
a great father always wish his son to be better then him :D


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  • Forum Veteran
  • rip insanity
a great father always wish his son to be better then him :D