Epic Perfect World

Solo MassPK

Offline BeNicePlease

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Offline Nea

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Nice video. Nice ending  :normal-2: :normal-13: :normal-2: :normal-40: :normal-2: :normal-40:
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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lol that ending :D
thanks for another video :)
i love archer  >:D

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

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wow Brunt nice music

Low archer in low video keep killing archers without hiero tick.
pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul


Offline Nine_FOx

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I was surprised no one touching you, but when I notice HO and worms are allied, that explain why. good video.  ;D
Gomiho the nine-tailed-fox.

Offline Pain

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Don't understand why you played so "carefully" when you were surrounded by allies most of the time, also it's sort of silly to use BV three times on a veno who will die to normal attacks in ~3 seconds anyway.

I liked your other videos a lot more than this one :normal-24:
Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 08:49 am by qt

Offline Harry

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Offline Harry

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Don't understand why you played so "carefully" when you were surrounded by allies most of the time, also it's sort of silly to use BV on a veno who will die to normal attacks in ~3 seconds.

I liked your other videos a lot more than this one :normal-24:

Dis guy just mad.  ;D

Offline Pain

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Dis guy just mad.  ;D

Mad? About what? I gave some constructive criticism is all, if you weren't a pwi downer you'd know that I've known Brent for longer than you have played this game.

Offline BeNicePlease

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Don't understand why you played so "carefully" when you were surrounded by allies most of the time, also it's sort of silly to use BV three on a veno who will die to normal attacks in ~3 seconds anyway.

I liked your other videos a lot more than this one :normal-24:

I do 5k crits on tavern when he hit foxform.
but i don't like bloodvow and don't use it often. When I see some people, I just use on them to insure fast safe kill.
You would be one of them  :normal-6: :normal-4:

Offline Harry

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Mad? About what? I gave some constructive criticism is all, if you weren't a pwi downer you'd know that I've known Brent for longer than you have played this game.

Take a fricking joke. People these days. -,-

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

  • Hang☆Over
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I do 5k crits on tavern when he hit foxform.
but i don't like bloodvow and don't use it often. When I see some people, I just use on them to insure fast safe kill.
You would be one of them  :normal-6: :normal-4:
lul same here. But some ppl usually run after 1st hit on them, that's why need to do everything to kill fast.
pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul


Offline Pain

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Take a fricking joke. People these days. -,-

That was a joke? Nice humor. :normal-43:

Offline Harry

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My humour #1. Don't even diss. k?