Epic Perfect World


Offline Nea

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You can handle mystic without spark
A good mystic can easy use the mystress leech energy,getting almost the spark effect (200% more damage)
3 spark gives 500% (that's true,but uses much energy)
2nd spark gives 300% -> mystress gives 200%. A low deference,but if u use growth too,u get a DAMN FCKED DAMAGE.U can drop any1 with that. So 3 spark is useless.
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Vionn

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You can handle mystic without spark
A good mystic can easy use the mystress leech energy,getting almost the spark effect (200% more damage)
3 spark gives 500% (that's true,but uses much energy)
2nd spark gives 300% -> mystress gives 200%. A low deference,but if u use growth too,u get a DAMN FCKED DAMAGE.U can drop any1 with that. So 3 spark is useless.

How does it take skill to leech mistress? XD


Im about to log online an try all these combos ty Malon, Vion, Hellsoul. Also lol Malon at the dph sin xD

Offline Sleep

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Malon all gear, no skill type Mystic.

1v1 me?!?!?!

Longest combos of all time. :P

With a Demon Mystic, and channeling gear, you can cast it faster than you can read/say it. xD

You can handle mystic without spark

+1. A Mystic is a walking spark, ok.

Also lol Malon at the dph sin xD

Humor keeps me sane.  :normal-4:

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:


Hey girly girl, if u want u can test some combo's on me :) I have alot to practise too pvp wise so we can be eachothers ginnypig :P