Epic Perfect World

I need advice! (mostly guy advice)

Offline Svetlana

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I like this guy... and I don't know if he likes me back.

Okay so this is how it started. It was the beginning of school and I was late for class. I didn't get to choose where I sit, so I was given a place. There was this boy who sat across me, he couldn't take his eyes off me. He just studied me, and he would look nervous when I looked at him. Whenever my teacher said pick a partner, he looked directly at me and would always want to be with me. For every project, we were together. Wherever we sat, we were together. He seemed like a nice boy, and we started becoming friends. He seemed to want to touch me a lot, because whenever I sat next to him, his legs would be close to mine and his arms would be pressing against mine. Whenever I would talk to my guy friends, he seemed mad. As if he was jealous. I found that strange, but I let it go. More days pass by, and he just gets closer and closer. One day, his buddy nudged me and said, "hey, he likes you!" I acted like I didn't hear it, I asked what he said, but the boy he was talking about smacked him and said shut up shut up! I remember as I was walking with him, I forgot my sweater across the whole soccer field. I was so tired, and he told me to wait right where I was. He ran across the whole field and brought it for me. I was very happy, it was a kind gesture. Whenever I said I liked something, he likes it too. Whenever I said I hate something, he hates it too. He appears wherever I appear, and this just happens all the time! He compliments me on everything, and he gets very shy when I compliment him. One time, I was talking with this guy friend of mine and we got close and the boy didn't like that. So he pansed him in front of everyone! I got so mad and didn't talk to him for a week. He was very upset and tried talking to me. Eventually I forgave him. This is a year after by the way, and I remember when I got a phone, he ran to me right away and asked for my number which was cute. He is very sweet, funny, loving and caring. I find it weird, when I said Hi to his mom, she replied, "hello Svetlana!" How did she know my name and how I look? He must of talked about me at home. She knew everything about me too! I told him about how I wanted to learn Arabic and he said his mom can help me. She offered me to come to her house every day on the month of Ramadan to learn there. How nice of her! I fell in love with him this one day, when me and him completely froze, and glanced at each other's eyes. I've never felt that way before, my heart stopped. I just wanted to hug him. If we ever fought... he would just be quiet after awhile and upset, when two close friends clash, they clash hard. But we love each other so much so of course we got along right after. Yet, he doesn't know I like him. I remember I texted him about something deep and he said "oh well, no ones perfect" and as a joke I said "I'm perfect ;D" and he replied, "can't argue with science, so I agree." OMG :D

Does he like me? :c
Please help!
I appreciate it <3 c:

-Svet ~ <3


I like this guy... and I don't know if he likes me back.

Okay so this is how it started. It was the beginning of school and I was late for class. I didn't get to choose where I sit, so I was given a place. There was this boy who sat across me, he couldn't take his eyes off me. He just studied me, and he would look nervous when I looked at him. Whenever my teacher said pick a partner, he looked directly at me and would always want to be with me. For every project, we were together. Wherever we sat, we were together. He seemed like a nice boy, and we started becoming friends. He seemed to want to touch me a lot, because whenever I sat next to him, his legs would be close to mine and his arms would be pressing against mine. Whenever I would talk to my guy friends, he seemed mad. As if he was jealous. I found that strange, but I let it go. More days pass by, and he just gets closer and closer. One day, his buddy nudged me and said, "hey, he likes you!" I acted like I didn't hear it, I asked what he said, but the boy he was talking about smacked him and said shut up shut up! I remember as I was walking with him, I forgot my sweater across the whole soccer field. I was so tired, and he told me to wait right where I was. He ran across the whole field and brought it for me. I was very happy, it was a kind gesture. Whenever I said I liked something, he likes it too. Whenever I said I hate something, he hates it too. He appears wherever I appear, and this just happens all the time! He compliments me on everything, and he gets very shy when I compliment him. One time, I was talking with this guy friend of mine and we got close and the boy didn't like that. So he pansed him in front of everyone! I got so mad and didn't talk to him for a week. He was very upset and tried talking to me. Eventually I forgave him. This is a year after by the way, and I remember when I got a phone, he ran to me right away and asked for my number which was cute. He is very sweet, funny, loving and caring. I find it weird, when I said Hi to his mom, she replied, "hello Svetlana!" How did she know my name and how I look? He must of talked about me at home. She knew everything about me too! I told him about how I wanted to learn Arabic and he said his mom can help me. She offered me to come to her house every day on the month of Ramadan to learn there. How nice of her! I fell in love with him this one day, when me and him completely froze, and glanced at each other's eyes. I've never felt that way before, my heart stopped. I just wanted to hug him. If we ever fought... he would just be quiet after awhile and upset, when two close friends clash, they clash hard. But we love each other so much so of course we got along right after. Yet, he doesn't know I like him. I remember I texted him about something deep and he said "oh well, no ones perfect" and as a joke I said "I'm perfect ;D" and he replied, "can't argue with science, so I agree." OMG :D

Does he like me? :c
Please help!
I appreciate it <3 c:

-Svet ~ <3
I do assume he likes you,  or he's just kind. Personally, he does what I would do about sweater and all :p If you like him, ask him out :-\ He couldn't say no to someone such as you

Offline Scwerz

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I do assume he likes you,  or he's just kind. Personally, he does what I would do about sweater and all :p If you like him, ask him out :-\ He couldn't say no to someone such as you

i agree,i think he likes u,u like him ask him out :)

Offline Svetlana

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I do assume he likes you,  or he's just kind. Personally, he does what I would do about sweater and all :p If you like him, ask him out :-\ He couldn't say no to someone such as you

He's mostly kind to me, he's usually careless towards other people. :c
THANKS for the advice c: I hope more people can add on

Offline Xcution

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I like this guy... and I don't know if he likes me back.

Okay so this is how it started. It was the beginning of school and I was late for class. I didn't get to choose where I sit, so I was given a place. There was this boy who sat across me, he couldn't take his eyes off me. He just studied me, and he would look nervous when I looked at him. Whenever my teacher said pick a partner, he looked directly at me and would always want to be with me. For every project, we were together. Wherever we sat, we were together. He seemed like a nice boy, and we started becoming friends. He seemed to want to touch me a lot, because whenever I sat next to him, his legs would be close to mine and his arms would be pressing against mine. Whenever I would talk to my guy friends, he seemed mad. As if he was jealous. I found that strange, but I let it go. More days pass by, and he just gets closer and closer. One day, his buddy nudged me and said, "hey, he likes you!" I acted like I didn't hear it, I asked what he said, but the boy he was talking about smacked him and said shut up shut up! I remember as I was walking with him, I forgot my sweater across the whole soccer field. I was so tired, and he told me to wait right where I was. He ran across the whole field and brought it for me. I was very happy, it was a kind gesture. Whenever I said I liked something, he likes it too. Whenever I said I hate something, he hates it too. He appears wherever I appear, and this just happens all the time! He compliments me on everything, and he gets very shy when I compliment him. One time, I was talking with this guy friend of mine and we got close and the boy didn't like that. So he pansed him in front of everyone! I got so mad and didn't talk to him for a week. He was very upset and tried talking to me. Eventually I forgave him. This is a year after by the way, and I remember when I got a phone, he ran to me right away and asked for my number which was cute. He is very sweet, funny, loving and caring. I find it weird, when I said Hi to his mom, she replied, "hello Svetlana!" How did she know my name and how I look? He must of talked about me at home. She knew everything about me too! I told him about how I wanted to learn Arabic and he said his mom can help me. She offered me to come to her house every day on the month of Ramadan to learn there. How nice of her! I fell in love with him this one day, when me and him completely froze, and glanced at each other's eyes. I've never felt that way before, my heart stopped. I just wanted to hug him. If we ever fought... he would just be quiet after awhile and upset, when two close friends clash, they clash hard. But we love each other so much so of course we got along right after. Yet, he doesn't know I like him. I remember I texted him about something deep and he said "oh well, no ones perfect" and as a joke I said "I'm perfect ;D" and he replied, "can't argue with science, so I agree." OMG :D

Does he like me? :c
Please help!
I appreciate it <3 c:

-Svet ~ <3

Don't know if that story is what people call "romance" (some things could have been done in a different way and at different speed), but I'd say chances are quite high that he likes you. You could probably give him some tests or something, you know, to make sure. I just got one advice: don't rush things. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.   

Offline Svetlana

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Don't know if that story is what people call "romance" (some things could have been done in a different way and at different speed), but I'd say chances are quite high that he likes you. You could probably give him some tests or something, you know, to make sure. I just got one advice: don't rush things. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.

Thank you! Very useful. :*


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He just wants the V :normal-37:
99.9% sure he likes you  :normal-42:

Offline Svetlana

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He just wants the V :normal-37:
99.9% sure he likes you  :normal-42:

OMG YAY thanks :D

Offline Mexicano

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Awwwwww So cute  ;D
i could bet that he likes you. btw   thx for sharing your story, this actually made my day, ty  :D

Offline Svetlana

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Awwwwww So cute  ;D
i could bet that he likes you. btw   thx for sharing your story, this actually made my day, ty  :D

Thank you so much!!! You made my day! :$ :D

Offline JHIN

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boy likes you but  just enjoy it and don't take it too seriously.
young love is sweet and all but my advice is for you to talk to your mom or an older sister/friend who can advice you properly when it comes to guys. you have so much ahead of you.

 i sound like a grandpa LMFAO.
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Nine_FOx

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he likes you, but take it easy for now.
Gomiho the nine-tailed-fox.

Offline Svetlana

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boy likes you but  just enjoy it and don't take it too seriously.
young love is sweet and all but my advice is for you to talk to your mom or an older sister/friend who can advice you properly when it comes to guys. you have so much ahead of you.

 i sound like a grandpa LMFAO.

Offline Svetlana

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he likes you, but take it easy for now.
I will, thanks c:

Offline Andr3y93

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boy likes you but  just enjoy it and don't take it too seriously.
young love is sweet and all but my advice is for you to talk to your mom or an older sister/friend who can advice you properly when it comes to guys. you have so much ahead of you.

 i sound like a grandpa LMFAO.

hahaha :))
Elders feelings make the new generation powerfull and wise so we should listen to them because they might teach us a leson!