Epic Perfect World


Offline gwyn

  • Oblivion Leader
  • Characters: AndreaGwyn, GwynAndrea,
  • Faction: Oblivion
We Will Rise Again

We are under new management, our leader is AndreaGwyn originally from Harshland server in official.
We are actively recruiting all levels right now, we want active friendly people. We are helpful friendly and have various activities and contests. I also reward for doing Base Quest. The current faction base level is almost 17. We do have a goal for becoming a TW faction, we just need more members before doing so. We also allow alts in faction, the only thing I ask is 2 base quests or more a week on the main and alts you have in faction. I do reward those who do Base Quest more often than 2 days a week. http://epicpw.oblivion.shivtr.com/ 

Feel free to pm me in game for an invitation AndreaGwyn, or world chat for an Oblivion officer.

Level 30 base

Offline Nine_FOx

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welcome back oblivion. please don't just do TW or farming, we lose really bad from our last TW. please help others to be pk active too. used to be member of Oblivion.  :D
Gomiho the nine-tailed-fox.

Offline Kasai

  • Forum Veteran
  • Disbander of Adversary
  • Faction: Crow/Storm Leader
requiem and oblivion back wut? ???

Offline gwyn

  • Oblivion Leader
  • Characters: AndreaGwyn, GwynAndrea,
  • Faction: Oblivion
We nearly died but, I would not let it. TW is in the future, but right now not happening. We do accept alts.

Level 30 base

Offline gwyn

  • Oblivion Leader
  • Characters: AndreaGwyn, GwynAndrea,
  • Faction: Oblivion
We do have a level 17 base now!!!! We also reward people for doing base quests, 3 or more a week to get rewarded, the more you do the bigger the reward.

Level 30 base

Offline Sleep

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  • Retired Staff Member
  • A really saucy
  • Empathy is a dying art.
  • Characters: Sleep|Snooze|Opiate|Snore
  • Faction: EPW_Team
Best of luck, Andrea!  ^-^

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline gwyn

  • Oblivion Leader
  • Characters: AndreaGwyn, GwynAndrea,
  • Faction: Oblivion

Level 30 base


All the best gwyn!

Offline Beloved ♥

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  • Fab ♥
  • 08.03.13 ♥
  • Characters: Beloved, Euphoric
  • Faction: Fab's bed
So this is what? Oblivion's 3rd? 4th leader?
Read this and grow up
 Don't play anymore. Won't play anymore. Bye.

Offline gwyn

  • Oblivion Leader
  • Characters: AndreaGwyn, GwynAndrea,
  • Faction: Oblivion
Sadly yes Oblivion has gone through several leaders.

Level 30 base


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  • rip insanity

Offline Nicolle

  • Old Player
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  • Faction: Artifex

Offline Scwerz

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  • Im Your Bad Dream
Good Luck  :smiley:

Offline Gamlen

  • avatar
  • It's just a game.
Wb and goodluck from Requiem ^
Gamlen 150 Sage Sin
Cudi   150 Sage EA

Offline gwyn

  • Oblivion Leader
  • Characters: AndreaGwyn, GwynAndrea,
  • Faction: Oblivion

Level 30 base