Epic Perfect World

Which class to chose?

Offline guga818

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Hey so I've always played sins, and since i got to this server I changed to Archer, but I'd like to try a new class for 1v1 and Mass pk so which class would you recomend me guys? :'( I whant to get advantage of the 2x which class is good at 1v1's and Mass pk if you could add pros and cons of the class that'd be better

Offline SalvajeMC

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Wise man speak because they have something to say, Fools speak because they have to say something.

Offline MorbidAngel

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seeker mystic. the two best classes meng.

Morbid/\ngel - 150 seeker

Offline Tavern

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Fixed it for you. Seeker is easy to kill.


Fixed it for you. Seeker is easy to kill.
off topic: UR SIGGY!SO CUTE! <3
on topic: It depends on what you want, psy's are easy to kill, but they kill faster
barbarians: 2 types of build: tank build-> if you AoE it's a chance they are all dead
damage build: They hit HARD
seekers: Hit hard and have a nice defense!
mystics: Spam heal, summon the summons, stun them, and then hit them like crazy.
Clerics: Depending on your build, ik some people that are OP at clerics in PK. everyone will definitelly go after you
venomancers: Depends on your build, many classes will definitely go after you.


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Aps sin. Stealth>pick a target>2spark>auto attack(pray to allah that the target is afk)>kill or die>stealth

Offline ahed

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mystic .. insta heal > debuff target > abousrb soul (pray to allah your target doesnt have anti abousrb soul skill ) > 1 shot kill > buy tele > trash talk your target

Offline Nine_FOx

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ahed what is the name of that debuff skill?
Gomiho the nine-tailed-fox.

Offline ahed

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ahed what is the name of that debuff skill?
hell no not telling
then mystics will rerrol to another OP annoying class such sins lol

Offline Lucky

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Befuddling creeper, then lyse. Yeah non-mystics treat everything as 1 step skill. befuddle, lyse = debuff. listless, lyse = sleep. vengeance, absorb = AS. chihyu, sacrifice, mistress, sacrifice = antistun + phy def + crit + mag def + mag attack.
ShinyWB Demon Barbarian WildBunch
NaturalTouch Demon Mystic Ducks
LolCrits Sage Assassin
Fistings Demon Blademaster Rawr
LuckyKill Sage Seeker
LoneMaiden Sage Archer

Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock. I'm proud to be a Duck, and I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a Duck?

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(pray to allah your target doesnt have anti abousrb soul skill )

No one will tell me what the genie skill is. qq

Offline Fatigue

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No one will tell me what the genie skill is. qq

Evil Ward.
It also blocks HF and EP if you can predict them well enough ;P

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Evil Ward.
It also blocks HF and EP if you can predict them well enough ;P

I love you.
It blocks clerics? what's EP? xD
Does it block all curses? q.q like that BM skill and Seeker skill.
mystic .. insta heal > debuff target > abousrb soul (pray to allah your target doesnt have anti abousrb soul skill ) > 1 shot kill > buy tele > trash talk your target