Epic Perfect World

TideAsasin chasing Gakido

Offline #1Trick

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Chased Gakido from hidden heroes village to etherblade lake in fish form, waste of effort when he dies 2 sec after he finnaly catch Gakido

Offline zFlashx

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Gakido tasty salmon, gets chased to etherblade. GF

Offline TideAsasin

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dude wtf? u make a video to see how u kil a sin with buffs + ep coming to heal/gank u are the pk king , and u almost die  500 hp left
i shot the sheriff

Offline #1Trick

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dude wtf? u make a video to see how u kil a sin with buffs + ep coming to heal/gank u are the pk king , and u almost die  500 hp left
Funny how you chase Gakido

Offline TideAsasin

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funny to see how he almost die against a sin non-donator , he will make an altar for the cleric that buffed him
i shot the sheriff

Offline HellishKitty

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not taking sides..cuz i hate you all  >:D( i hate all sins)KKKKK!!! NERF SIN PLOX but>Gakido u did have ep buffs BUT...........TideAssasin u also had a barb buff? that increases physical attack right before u died(if its a sin buff or pill or genie dont rage at me..idk sins but im pretty sure they dont have that buff)

AND on top of that tide u chased him..he didnt chase u...so you cant really call him out on ep buffs  if he always had them

Offline TideAsasin

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im not complaning about his buffs just saying i almost got him (500 hp left) and i didnt have barb buffs if u look to any sin wep they maybe have a stole called gloom it gives more atk
i shot the sheriff

Offline #1Trick

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im not complaning about his buffs just saying i almost got him (500 hp left) and i didnt have barb buffs if u look to any sin wep they maybe have a stole called gloom it gives more atk
Atleast you fight like a real man, not many sins dare chase Gakido

Offline HellishKitty

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Atleast you fight like a real man, not many sins dare chase Gakido

 :sad:imagine all of u in s quad   :'( make server rq

Offline ahed

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Gakido #1   :normal-48: he rolled seel 3-0


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  • rip insanity
Gakido #1   :normal-48: he rolled seel 3-0
Wdf man stop lying, and why do you put my name in everything.

Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 05:45 am by elllieee