Epic Perfect World

New Weapon Reskins Suggestions

Offline Аlex

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This? O:-) O:-) O:-)

we only need this for sins, please evil add it,  please!!!!! all sins who want it quote my reply amd say with +1 or -1 if yu want em

Offline Balnazar

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This? O:-) O:-) O:-)

Amg! Them daggers. *__*
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Rumi

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this one especially plsss

and since we're asking for a bunch of wep skins from storm...

Offline Areashiii

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we only need this for sins, please evil add it,  please!!!!! all sins who want it quote my reply amd say with +1 or -1 if yu want em
Nope. -1


can we get Radiant Eye Sword (seeker basic r8 wep) skin into dual sword version?

Offline Xeli

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we only need this for sins, please evil add it,  please!!!!! all sins who want it quote my reply amd say with +1 or -1 if yu want em
Its nice but kinda big :police: +1

Offline Lena

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Hello, i have been playing in another server since i'm a little bit bored in this server, then i saw this amazing skin which looks like the dragon bow, but, with blue effects.. May i ask to add it to epw too?


Offline Calamity

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Hello, i have been playing in another server since i'm a little bit bored in this server, then i saw this amazing skin which looks like the dragon bow, but, with blue effects.. May i ask to add it to epw too?


saw that skin in another sever, love it

Offline Lexmau

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Hello, i have been playing in another server since i'm a little bit bored in this server, then i saw this amazing skin which looks like the dragon bow, but, with blue effects.. May i ask to add it to epw too?


nice bow +1

Offline 2

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i'll just repost my suggestion a while back so it's not forgotten. also since ecatomb.net is gone, you might want to edit your original post

why are there so little claw skins? poles and ranged weapon fashion have about twice as much choices as fists / claws, and the rest of the weapon fashions have more choices than fists / claws (drastically more, even). also a lot of old players (myself included) are looking forward to daggers as claw reskins. people are tired of using Relentless Finisher, and the fist/claw skins that look like NPC weapons, very seldom seen for obvious reasons. i know, i noticed there aren't a lot of fist / claw skins to choose from. maybe introducing some dagger skins can open more variety? so the next time you plan to release some new weapon fashion, could you please consider this? thanks

here are some examples: (ecatomb links dead)
 ★Solar Redemption
★★Fists of the King
☆Nirvana Fist 
☆Shadowdrain Claw
☆Genie's Claw

(there are no pics of these being held by a class other than a sin, and too lazy to go on a test server to make SS's)
☆☆Netherworld Guidance
☆☆Dark Death Thorn
☆☆Catastrophe Stinger

Offline Lexmau

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i'll just repost my suggestion a while back so it's not forgotten. also since ecatomb.net is gone, you might want to edit your original post

why are there so little claw skins? poles and ranged weapon fashion have about twice as much choices as fists / claws, and the rest of the weapon fashions have more choices than fists / claws (drastically more, even). also a lot of old players (myself included) are looking forward to daggers as claw reskins. people are tired of using Relentless Finisher, and the fist/claw skins that look like NPC weapons, very seldom seen for obvious reasons. i know, i noticed there aren't a lot of fist / claw skins to choose from. maybe introducing some dagger skins can open more variety? so the next time you plan to release some new weapon fashion, could you please consider this? thanks

here are some examples: (ecatomb links dead)
 ★Solar Redemption
★★Fists of the King
☆Nirvana Fist 
☆Shadowdrain Claw
☆Genie's Claw

(there are no pics of these being held by a class other than a sin, and too lazy to go on a test server to make SS's)
☆☆Netherworld Guidance
☆☆Dark Death Thorn
☆☆Catastrophe Stinger

+1 bms with daggers like it was on deva will be amazing

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The hammers of barbs looks like the hammers of Stoneman in Forsaken World o.o