Epic Perfect World

[NEED HELP] Cant chose character

Offline iphandh

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GM please Help. i can't chose any character when i log in to the game. its stuck as on the picture.
No one believe that i'm not GM

Offline ghostlyone

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Not sure if you've gotten help, but maybe in the meantime while you wait for a response from GM you could look into creating a different account, so you can at least play the game.
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"One must remember to dream, when all else seams lost."
"If intelligence is not created, but learned, then to deny the intelligence of the world's creator, is to deny your own intelligence."
"To lose hope is to have stopped searching for an answer, that my be under your nose."
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"We were all made to be something, whether that something is good or bad, it is what you were intended to do. Do not under value your role."

Offline Rinadiel

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read Number 5 Have you tried relogging? If this doesn't work hopefully a gm can help  :-X

Offline iphandh

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Not sure if you've gotten help, but maybe in the meantime while you wait for a response from GM you could look into creating a different account, so you can at least play the game.

i already craeting different char, and can log in. but my old char is my primary char, haha

read Number 5 Have you tried relogging? If this doesn't work hopefully a gm can help  :-X

Yes i already relogging for many time, and still have a same problemo..
No one believe that i'm not GM

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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if im not wrong that about the directX
u need to install the enuser runtime...


Offline iphandh

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if im not wrong that about the directX
u need to install the enuser runtime...


aahh yhaa.. the problem solved, thanks :D
No one believe that i'm not GM