Epic Perfect World

Weapon "Reskins"

Offline Fatigue

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Can you remove the skin glitch. BM's put one skin on, and it covers all weps. It makes it really hard as you cant see them switching wep :< They can use an axe move then a fist move and you dont even see it because the skin stays the same. Remove this glitch please GMs?

Offline Agatio

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I don't think it can be fixed. Regular PWI fashion weapon has same issue. I will look into it tho.

Offline Ren

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Agatio can you put Ashura:Destroyer?


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Could you add some slingshot skins please  :normal-27:

Offline Fatigue

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I don't think it can be fixed. Regular PWI fashion weapon has same issue. I will look into it tho.

Ty anyway.

(Maybe remove the two handed long weapon skins. Theyre the only two with that "Problem") the rest work fine but those work with any wep

Offline epicseeker

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This issue shouldnt be too hard to fix actually. Just make the skin require you to be wielding a weapon of the same type as the skin. I.E. If the skin is dual swords you can only be using dual swords/edges/blades, if the skin is a polearm you can only use polearm etc. If they try to switch weapons the skin could be put back in their inventory with the weapon it covered. Not a perfect solution since the bm community will undoubtedly QQ like CRAZY over this, but it would be the most fair, balanced, and equitable for all concerned.

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Offline Lucky

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I'm not QQing cuz it'll 'cover' my weap switch or anything...I do not pk much. I just don't want to have to buy 4 seperate weap fashs...AND have to change both weap and fash whenever I need to switch to axes to HF a boss, then return to fists and have to put fash back on again :/
ShinyWB Demon Barbarian WildBunch
NaturalTouch Demon Mystic Ducks
LolCrits Sage Assassin
Fistings Demon Blademaster Rawr
LuckyKill Sage Seeker
LoneMaiden Sage Archer

Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock. I'm proud to be a Duck, and I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a Duck?

Offline epicseeker

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I'm not QQing cuz it'll 'cover' my weap switch or anything...I do not pk much. I just don't want to have to buy 4 seperate weap fashs...AND have to change both weap and fash whenever I need to switch to axes to HF a boss, then return to fists and have to put fash back on again :/

1: This complaint was lodged due to PK issues. 2: You dont have to buy multiple skins if you dont want to. 3: just make a separate hot bar for weapon switches (which im sure most BM's already have) and add your weapon skin to it, 1 extra click while your APSing is not going to kill you.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!