Epic Perfect World

Patch Petition.

Offline Coffee

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So I bet everyone was real excited for this update am I right? I was excited to add new content that didn't involve waiting weeks or farming to get. I wanted it to be more pvp based but still have a little something for the carebears. Welp, looks like well I was gone, trusting the files would be well used some nono's happend. I know this probably looks unprofessional, but ya know what? I don't care, I wanted this patch to be something YOU guys actually wanted and stuff that you guys thought of to be in it. So I am starting a petition where players can agree that we want better content and you can even put your ideas or something you might like to see in SoW under your signature. I will be updating this post as more people reply.

Things that need to be fixed/removed/added:
-The new dom capes... You guys worked so hard for those, why make another upgrade for them after weeks of farming... for more weeks of farming?

-Rank 8 ec exchange. (Not sure if it bother alot, but to me it was fine the way it was.)

-New tomes that were supposed to be added but never made it. Now some of you may be freaking out like, "Oh no new tomes but they so hard to get!" Literally all you would need for these is your old tome and a very small amount of only supply tokens, no seal thingies. Cause we all know ain't nobody got time for that.

-IGs (Maybe should be removed ENTIRELY)

-Gm alts should either A.) Only be used for events. B.) Be listed on the main page of website.

-Suply Tokens; more ways to obtains and reward from BH increase

-More Reskins

-Make Supply Tokens stashable but not Tradable

-More ways of getting Epic Coins (this or bring back the forges)


More things to be added once more people have put in there input.
Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 06:57 am by EvilTouch

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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Tbh not that big a fan of r8 .-...... But considering most of the server (including myself on like 6 toons) has it now would be a BIG screw over to take it away now. Honestly imo nothing really needs to be added, stuff needs to be taken away. One thing I"m not gonna bring up because it'll start a flame *cough* I'll give you a hint though it's not a cookie. IG of course needs to be taken away (if IG has already been tampered with again my bad didn't read the new patch notes yet don't RAWR at me <.<). If you do add something I say it should be an alternative to reskins.. Some people want it farmable which I agree with. But idk just my opinion. (Again didn't read the new patch notes if I said things that were already covered don't RAWR at me >.>.)
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Offline Fatigue

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What would make me cry with happiness is to get the new forms skills, but keep the old forms looks. Is there any way this could be possible? :(

Also these "reskins" aren't really reskins because the skins are already there. Kind of boring if everyones gonna have the same reskins, theyre supposed to be unique, and now everyone who bought reskins will have their weps worthless. :S

Offline OnlyTheBrave

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What would make me cry with happiness is to get the new forms skills, but keep the old forms looks. Is there any way this could be possible? :(

Also these "reskins" aren't really reskins because the skins are already there. Kind of boring if everyones gonna have the same reskins, theyre supposed to be unique, and now everyone who bought reskins will have their weps worthless. :S

You  can still use the old form with the same bonus. Don't worry

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Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the game, it has to do with the website. I suggested before could it be possible to make links for the GM's online to see their GM alts names? No offense, but some people are too lazy and deedeedee's to go search and look at a GM's profile to see the GM's alt name. Instead they'd rather rage in WC about how the website is lying when it's not. In my opinion it would make things somewhat easier.
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Coffee

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Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the game, it has to do with the website. I suggested before could it be possible to make links for the GM's online to see their GM alts names? No offense, but some people are too lazy and deedeedee's to go search and look at a GM's profile to see the GM's alt name. Instead they'd rather rage in WC about how the website is lying when it's not. In my opinion it would make things somewhat easier.

That could be a good idea. In all honesty I don't even know why GM's need alts... Doesn't make sense unless it was a special char for an event or something.

Offline Nea

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With big amount of money= donations,so money for server.
With low price,every1 will get those= apocalipse,we will see all kind of players..that never farmed....maybe just for...1h..and with full end -game gear...messing up things.Is that a big problem with the ''big effort'' farming? For me...i think it's a nice thing to farm a lot....pro gear-> for people that do farm and really work. Noob gear-> for lazy asses that 1h farming is already too much?
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Coffee

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With big amount of money= donations,so money for server.
With low price,every1 will get those= apocalipse,we will see all kind of players..that never farmed....maybe just for...1h..and with full end -game gear...messing up things.Is that a big problem with the ''big effort'' farming? For me...i think it's a nice thing to farm a lot....pro gear-> for people that do farm and really work. Noob gear-> for lazy asses that 1h farming is already too much?

Who said anything about all the gear being low price? It would only be the new fun content. Everything else will be staying the same. If you like farming thats fine, go farm. But with this update that includes nation wars, NW is a PVP event. Not everyone likes PVE. But at the same time not everyone likes PVP. Hence why there is already stuff to farm. Nuff said.

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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That could be a good idea. In all honesty I don't even know why GM's need alts... Doesn't make sense unless it was a special char for an event or something.

They can get bored looking at the same character like a lot of people do.. lol. Just a suggestion. Also I think some people have suggested this before, but is there any way to add a pvp enabled feild in faction base? Sometimes people wanna practice pvp without being bothered by other guilds coming out of nowhere and ganking. (Not QQ'ing about ganking ijs) Especially for people who like to have pvp events in with their guild. Probably a pain in the arse, but again thought I'd ask :l..
Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 07:35 pm by losergoddess
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Feone

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For the dominance capes.. personally having to farm a bit extra doesn't bother me but they are already a lot more work than lunar so I guess making it easier to reforge doesn't hurt.

I'll miss the r8-ec exchange.

New tomes would be nice as long as they arent OP.

IG: I still think they should just be kept. Some classes benefit hugely from defense apo while others don't gain ANYTHING from them. Why limit defensive apo to only certain classes?

GM alts.. I think GM's should be allowed to play the game. How else are they going to know what's working well & what isn't?

Offline Danica

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 if u rly take the option to turn r8 mats for ec, idk about other factions but in my faction when we do trials i collect all the mats and trade them all to ec to split , so everyone can get the same amount.
removing this option might stop ppl from doing trials

Offline Coffee

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For the dominance capes.. personally having to farm a bit extra doesn't bother me but they are already a lot more work than lunar so I guess making it easier to reforge doesn't hurt.

I'll miss the r8-ec exchange.

New tomes would be nice as long as they arent OP.

IG: I still think they should just be kept. Some classes benefit hugely from defense apo while others don't gain ANYTHING from them. Why limit defensive apo to only certain classes?

GM alts.. I think GM's should be allowed to play the game. How else are they going to know what's working well & what isn't?

Well the igs need to either be able to get by all or none cause this whole switching back and forth thing is annoying.

And the gms alts thing... If gms are supposed to be on duty and helping people, hiding on alts is frustrating. If its there free time thats fine. But other than that...

And the ec r8 exchange needs to come back as Danica said, for trials.

Offline Feone

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Yea I rather have ironguards available to all. Now when someone pops one its annoying to counter if you don't have a supply. If everyone has them its really no issue.

Offline Elly

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Uhh... As far as I know, Agatio made rank 8 mats tradeable for warrior seals which is an alternative way of trading them. I don't know if you read the beta testing thread, but he explained that he doesn't want supply token -> ec exchange, and that removal of rank 8 mats from the nw forge would make people less interested in nw's once they are done with all the upgrades. However, I do think it might be too costly and limit of nw attendance availability is something that needs to be fixed. But I disagree on the PvP part. I would rather have this system than pve farming where no-one would pk. Overall, I think it was a good patch, with a new farming system that brings refreshment to old boring pve.

Elly - 150 Sage venomancer
Decipher - 150 Demon mystic

[22:32:11] Chad: the name rev
[22:32:13] Chad: is foul language


Iron Guards are available to everyone now ...those who have faction bases, and its very easy getting a faction base. Given its not easy to obtain from the word go after getting your faction base, but you still have the option of having the IG's.  Its also trade able...which means I can buy them from my faction goods and then give them to someone else