Hey allBefore you start flaming please listen what I have to say. I've been PKing for a while, seen insta cast archers, seen the ones with fast -interval, seen the def archers, and honestly, they rly need a boost against melee classes. But rly, do you ever see archers beating for example barbs or sins? they just get close and archers deal like no dmg + they are squishy so if they get stunned and they ran out of genie def skills/pots they are obviously dead(and still its fight r8 vs dragon...). And dont tell me that not every class is supposed to be able to kill others, because its not true. All other classes are at least a bit more balanced for killing any other, and I am not making this thread because Im fail on my archer, I've been watching other archers for quite long time and I noticed that easily. Whatever you think you can flame me but thats just the truth.
1st. Watching and doing is 2 different things. 2. All classes can kill eachother it just takes time to do it and a strategy to do it. I've seen many archers kill a barb and a seeker. As for those close up attackers (sin, bm Ha veno ect) thats were the skills come in. Freeze them into place holy path out the way into long range, Stun them then depending on class do your combo. Archers are like AA classes kind of. They are fragile but completely hard hitters if you take your opponent by surprise. Archers are fine as is..
1st. Watching and doing is 2 different things.
You ok? Archers = killing machines.
If u're saying it as sin, u might need more practice in ur class :/ I cant say that on my sin when I kill most of r8 archers while being dragon
I'm saying it because I play all classes (including archer itself) except mystic and psyhic.Therefore, I know the damage I do on other classes, and I know the damage I recieve from archers.Archer is the only class that can harm any other with no major problems. It's good as it is atm
In mass pk archers are still same squishy class and they are not stronger in it than others, honestly even in mass pk Im rather getting killed by sins, venos and even mysticsI said I play archer too, not just watchIf u're saying it as sin, u might need more practice in ur class :/ I cant say that on my sin when I kill most of r8 archers while being dragon
Archers are way better at mass pk than sins. Maybe you should learn your archer a bit better before suggesting others need to improve their skills. Sins are also a counter-class to archers, of course they will kill most archers fairly easily. The easiest way to tell something is OP or too weak is by looking at how often it's played. Archer is one of the most used classes in pk currently, if not the most used one, so if anything they are on the strong side.
If all those ppl who say they kill barbs n sins n stuff on their archers could show me it, that would be great.
Im talking about those who can actually play, not just auto atk (with balanced gears too.)
try PKing with real players
u dont even notice OC archers dying a lot on melees?
and its not their fault, its class(honestly those are the ones who inspired me the most for making this thread, they have rly good gears, IGs and still...)
Im not telling anyone to improve their skills even more, I can say archers on this server are skilled, but thats the problem, they still die - skills + r8 + pots, doesnt help much, Im PKing at least half of the day(mostly on my sin, sometimes archer and seeker) and thats just something I learned
they rly need a boost against melee classes. They don't. Having maximum base crit and range in game, 2 jumps, 2 skills to make you immune to stuns, 1 stun 1 paralyse, physical and magic damage,(and in Sirens of War a 5min cooldown full chi gain skill) is not enough, huh? Anyway imagine cast archers getting this boost too. But honestly, you got an effin -20ct tome for KILLING not tanking, so the best defense for archers is killing the enemy before it kills you and keeping your range.Some classes are harder to kill than others, deal with it. You're not the only class to have problems with how tanky barbs are. And sins... all classes have problems with beating these shits, they got too much aps with too much damage, add tidal and stuns/seal/paralyse/infinite chi to this and you have a class which can be played by 5 year olds cos its that easy.