Epic Perfect World


Offline Balnazar

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I know this is stupid! But, I had to ask!
What are the meanings of "OP", "proc" and "zerk"?
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Fatigue

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OP can either me "Over-Powered" As in "Omg name Is soooo OP"
or Original Poster aka "OP is dumb close thread"
Zerk is when a thing like god of frenzy or sacrificial slash activates. Zerk crit means the activation crits.
Proc rate means chance of a meelee stone/status activating. AKA god of frenzy, Thunder strike, Sacred stones etc etc

Offline Balnazar

  • Godfather of Worms
  • I be back m8
  • Characters: Balnazar
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OP can either me "Over-Powered" As in "Omg name Is soooo OP"
or Original Poster aka "OP is dumb close thread"
Zerk is when a thing like god of frenzy or sacrificial slash activates. Zerk crit means the activation crits.
Proc rate means chance of a meelee stone/status activating. AKA god of frenzy, Thunder strike, Sacred stones etc etc
Okay, I get it! Thanks a ton! :)
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Pain

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OP is what zFlashx is
Proc is what his tidal does 24/7
Zerk is what his weapon does with every hit.

Offline Tavern

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OP is what zFlashx is
Proc is what his tidal does 24/7
Zerk is what his weapon does with every hit.


Nice try.