Epic Perfect World

Morai Prestige and Influence Rate

Offline frozenaotc

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Could it be possible to multiply the rate at which morai prestige and influence is gained. Just a quick suggestion.
If they already are then disregard this thread and close it.

Thanks. :P

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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It's already way more than pwi. It's fine how it is in my opinion.
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline ₸ḯɱᶆƴ₲

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Takes about 2 weeks to max out Prestige here as opposed to the 2 months on regular PWI server.
☻ 150 Assassin ~ __Sinner__     ☺ 150 Seeker ~ Agonist     ☻ 150 Archer ~ TimmyG     ☻ 148 Barb ~ I_Hump_Legs

☻ 148 BM ~ Kenpachisama     ☺ 149 Psy ~ TheMessiah     ☺ 149 Wiz ~ MrsBlack

Offline Don Jon

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Them carebears.

WasteDump / MajorLeague(Greatest) / Frozenterror / UrbanLegend / USSMissiouri / USSArizona / Maravich / WorldPeace / Caesar / WaltDisney / BigPunisher / Gatekeeper / Doom

Offline Sneaker

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Takes about 2 weeks to max out Prestige here as opposed to the 2 months on regular PWI server.

This ^^

Offline Feone

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I rather like the way it is. It's a nice way of farming for the casual players. Just enough of a barrier that many people rather just buy it with EC and easy enough for a casual player to just do their dailies on one or a few chars and have a steady stream of EC income without having to spend long times farming.