Epic Perfect World

Daily Epic 18 May 2013

Offline Tjeumans

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They is big and I is little.
Once, there was a cartoon on TV by the name of Calimero. A little duckling with half an eggshell on his head and his favorite sentence was: but they is big and I is little and it's not fair, oh no. We remembered that cartoon early today, when PKERSIN complained in WC that high level players should not kill low level players. Now, ofc he has a bit of a point. It's not really any challenge to any high lvl pk-er to pick on low lvl players. Then again, as was pointed out, he could just stay blue-named or stay away from pk-enabled areas. And what to think of his name? Why complain about PK if your very name gives away your intentions? In any case, we urge all high lvl players to leave PKERSIN alone, if only to avoid any associations with Calimero that early in the day. Because boy, that duckling was annoying.

Scoop Snooped.
Anyone who had their ears to our office door this morning could hear loud crying. We had just gone public yesterday when ibi FINALLY got married. So we were looking forward to all kinds of outrageously festive headlines only to find out that our scoop had already been published. The pain we felt, apart from the joy for ibi's marriage of cours, is unimaginable. However....it would not have done us any good if it had not been snatched. Ibi already divorced and married again, this time with Ibiscus. And something tells us that this may well be an arranged marriage.
After congratulating ibi in WC yesterday evening, I was whispered that his then wife, Publican, was in fact a guy and therefore, this was a gay marriage. We at the Daily however are proud supporters of marriage equality so our response was: who cares? In any case, ibi is still shouting for a wifey, although on alts, and it is still annoying but hey... we now know he does not really want one.

Talking about marriages....
Yesterday we reported that sirMittens married his Keyboard. He and KillerPig could be brothers, as his former wife found out she was replaced by Keyboard....in the Daily Epic. How very painful. We feel for the ex Mrs. Mittens and really dear, no big loss if he does that kind of thing. And with all that, we have fulfilled our daily obligation to mention sirMittens. You're welcome.

Closed PV = public anguish.
Also this morning, PV was no longer accessible for players and to the dismay of many, the GM's were all enjoying their weekend and sleeping in. The outcry in WC was enormous. Ranging from insults to the GM's to questions about the future of the server, most people online had an opinion and voiced it. Some even asked every minute if there was a GM online. As no-one was brilliant enough to say 'Open Sesame', PV stayed closed until later in the morning.

And then there was Drama.
A lot of drama today in WC. Most of it can, unfortunately, be summarized in a few words: homophobia, racism, anger, hate, QQ, and other things like it that really are not worth mentioning any further. One exception in any case: early this morning, breakfast time, there was the offer of receiving bacon if nipples were pinched. Needless to say that the offer was readily accepted by many, we have no further reports on the quality of the nipples nor the bacon but it was a welcome diversion from the usual slurs in WC.

And sadly...
We wish to express our heartfelt best wishes to EpicM, wishing him a speedy recovery.

Offline Sleep

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Another fantastic read.  ^-^

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline Sirana

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Another fabulous edition of, Daily Epic. Keep up the great work, look forward to tomorrow.

Offline Fab

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Really good read. Will point out 2 things though.
1. ibi's first wife's name was Publical, not Publican. Not that it really matters since they divorced anyways...
2. Just me but i personally find the term 'QQ' something quite juvenile and often keeps me from being fully interested in the lecture but that's just me.

Offline Consist

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Give this guy his own title

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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I like the reach out to EpicM xD. I don't know the dude from adam, wouldn't surprise me if we turn out to not like each other, but I still think that's sweet.
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Sleep

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EpicPW Publications section. Make a poll. Go.  :monkey-47:

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37: