Epic Perfect World

God EA Squad


This vid deserved its own thread ^-^

Offline BeNicePlease

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It's hard to watch because the vid is like 5x norm speed and most of the time you are flying away and those wings... Those wings flap a lot


LOL, woulda been like 1hour vid if i didnt speed up so much q.q

Offline LetsHug

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The aa in this video was crazy. Awesome vid mang.



Plur=Best archer on server ;D That I've seen in vid anyways--Yurine and _Matt_ are good too :o

Offline ₸ḯɱᶆƴ₲

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I actually watched some of the West Gate PK from today and seeing you all. I was totally thinking look at these 3 amigos over here pew pewing. Surprised I saw myself riding around the 15min mark. Good stuff though, good stuff.
☻ 150 Assassin ~ __Sinner__     ☺ 150 Seeker ~ Agonist     ☻ 150 Archer ~ TimmyG     ☻ 148 Barb ~ I_Hump_Legs

☻ 148 BM ~ Kenpachisama     ☺ 149 Psy ~ TheMessiah     ☺ 149 Wiz ~ MrsBlack

Offline ahed

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i played Seel ...  :normal-35:


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  • rip insanity

Offline Consist

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Sage EA.....WTF IS THIS. nice vid


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  • rip insanity

Offline Uriel

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+1 for archer style
+1 for music (First video I guess whit good music{what I like})
+1 for quality.

Offline Jiyade

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Offline 𝓕 𝓪 𝔂 𝓮

  • Yikes.
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Those smiley faces making me uncomfortable.