Epic Perfect World

So I was Pkin and Worms showed up..

Offline robbinkid

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so yea was pkign and worms showed up.. I am now eating them dont worry i got this.

Offline Don Jon

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Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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  • You just jellified of my mad moves *boogies* \o)
8 bit pixel camera ftw!
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline robbinkid

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dark room+phone cam its ganna look pro k.

Offline Feone

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I came here expecting another "Zomg my epeen is SO HUGE look at mah pk vid!" or  "QQ I got ganked" thread. Nice one sir.

Offline Fab

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I came here expecting another "Zomg my epeen is SO HUGE look at mah pk vid!" or  "QQ I got ganked" thread. Nice one sir.


The OCD person in me is secretly hoping that's a clean surface.  :monkey-43:

Offline ThaPinky

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Offline Deea

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He will eat us QQ
gimmee dat worms  :tiger-5:

Offline hot_panini

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Could you add cookies next time? I like cookies :x
Could you add cookies next time? I like cookies :x

O.O worms are da best  :normal-20:

Offline Setsu

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That's pretty awesome.

Offline cleene

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